v1.1.1 (2020-05-15)
Closed issues:
- Add python description to image description #63
- Documentation is outdated #62
- Clean image description markdown #60
Merged pull requests:
- Cleanup desc script formatting #65 (sjcqs)
- Update script usage documentation #64 (vincentbrison)
v1.1.0 (2020-05-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Release flow could be improved #48
- Allow the usage of this image as a GitHub Action #45
- Add a standalone Github Actions #52 (sjcqs)
Fixed bugs:
- Firebase Test Lab random issue #47
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add action branding #59 (github-actions[bot])
- Feature/prepare action release #57 (vincentbrison)
- Document Github Action #56 (sjcqs)
- Feature/update release flow #54 (vincentbrison)
- Use compiled crcmod #50 (vincentbrison)
- Prettify images description file #46 (sjcqs)
v1.0.0 (2020-05-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS #42
Closed issues:
- Update documentation for public release #27
Merged pull requests:
- Move to latest Ubuntu LTS #44 (vincentbrison)
- Feature/prepare documentation for public release #43 (vincentbrison)
v1.0.0-alpha04 (2020-04-30)
Merged pull requests:
- Update readme #41 (vincentbrison)
v1.0.0-alpha03 (2020-04-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update image to use git 2.18 #20
- Share properties between tests projets #16
- Add support for firebase test lab #4
Closed issues:
- Add script to write a txt file describing an image #29
- Add an instrumented test app using firebase SDK #26
- Update to JDK 11 #6
Merged pull requests:
- Fix large tests environment variables declaration #38 (sjcqs)
- Feature/update release cd #37 (vincentbrison)
- Create PR on push on releases branch #35 (vincentbrison)
- Fix daily runner #31 (sjcqs)
- Feature/image description #30 (vincentbrison)
- Test Firebase Test Lab Integration #28 (sjcqs)
- Install google cloud sdk #25 (sjcqs)
- Extract tests app versions to versions.properties #24 (sjcqs)
- Feature/update ruby setup #23 (vincentbrison)
- Feature/git 2.18 #22 (vincentbrison)
- Feature/java 11 #21 (vincentbrison)
v1.0.0-alpha02 (2020-03-05)
v1.0.0-alpha01 (2020-03-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add documentation #13
Closed issues:
- Deploy images on commits on develop #11
- bundle should be installed for each ruby versions installed #7
- Add images tests #5
- Build image for each Android API #3
- Add support for Android NDK #2
- Registry tag naming issue #1
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/clean and doc #19 (vincentbrison)
- Feature/cd develop #17 (vincentbrison)
- Feature/android ndk #15 (sjcqs)
- Feature/clean ci script #14 (vincentbrison)
- Don't install bundler #12 (sjcqs)
- Feature/multi env #10 (vincentbrison)
- Feature/jdk 11 #9 (vincentbrison)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator