A simple Telegram bot that returns up-to-dated Regional Rail information
This Telegram bot helps SEPTA users to keep track of delays, train's source and destination, and etc.
To use the SEPTA Telegram bot, download Telegram on your preferred device.
The bot can be accessed using this link or by searching @SEPTA_bot in the app.
Train data will be updated every time the command /trainno
is used. Please do not update the data more than once every few minutes.
As it is asked by the bot, enter the desired train number. All train numbers can be found on SEPTA's official app or on the shedules PDF files.
Note that the bot only recognizes current trains running.
Personally, after taking the SEPTA trains every day, I know what my train number is. Even if I do not know the train's number, it is easier for me to search through the numbers than entering location and destination every time I open the app. Since I use Telegram as my messenger app, the bot is in reach and convenient.
Train data is updated. Enter train number:
Train has a delay of 10 minute(s)
Source: Doylestown
Destination: Malvern
Service: LOCAL
Next Stop: Overbrook
Line: Paoli/Thorndale
Train's possible track:_
Exact location in Google Maps:
[Google Maps URL]
- TeleBot- The easy way to write Telegram bots in Node.js
- IsSeptaFcked API- A website that determines if SEPTA is f*cked or not.
Thanks to dmuth for the Regional Rail SEPTA API and inspiration.
And of course, thanks to SEPTA for their volatile schedules and trains that inspired me initially to make the bot!