A simple example of a UDP server and client
#How to Run
##SBCL on Windows
Install SBCL and Quicklisp (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnWVu8VVDbI)
Download this repository and place it in your quicklisp\local-projects\ folder so that quicklisp can find it.
Download my network-engine repository and place it in your quicklisp\local-projects\ folder so that quicklisp can load it as a dependency.
Run the following in the command line from the project folder:
sbcl --load run-server.lisp
Run the following in a second command line instance from the project folder:
sbcl --load run-client.lisp
###Multiple Clients
Run the following in yet another command line instance from the project folder:
sbcl --load run-client.lisp
Repeat for as many clients as desired
Short guide to UDP/IP Client/Server programming in Common Lisp using usockets
1500 Archers on a 28.8: Network Programming in Age of Empires and Beyond
Beej's Guide to Network Programming
Online multiplayer proof-of-concept