Modern Opengl networked pong.
#How to Run
##SBCL on Windows
Install SBCL and Quicklisp in C:\home\ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnWVu8VVDbI)
Download this repository and place it in your quicklisp\local-projects\ folder so that quicklisp can find it.
###Player One (Server)
Run the following in the command line from the project folder:
sbcl --load run-server.lisp
###Player Two (Client)
Run the following in the command line from the project folder:
sbcl --load run-client.lisp
If the client is on a different host than the server, use the server's ip address instead of the loop back address "" inside the run-client.lisp file.
###Note on Emacs Slime
As Zulu-Inuoe commented in this thread, when Emacs launches SBCL for Slime on Windows, it specifies that SBCL be launched in SW_HIDE (so you don't see the console for SBCL but this also hides the window SDL creates).
Based on Pnong