Implements Autograd. Core is < 500 lines of formatted c++ code. Inspired by PyTorch and Karpathy's implementation:
Mostly for learning.
cmake -S . -B ./build && cmake --build build
ctest --test-dir build/test
Build the computation:
auto x1 = make_scalar<float>(2.0, "x1");
auto x2 = make_scalar<float>(0.0, "x2");
auto w1 = make_scalar<float>(-3.0, "w1");
auto w2 = make_scalar<float>(1.0, "w2");
auto b = make_scalar<float>(6.8813735870195432, "b");
auto x1w1 = x1 * w1;
auto x2w2 = x2 * w2;
auto sum = x1w1 + x2w2;
auto n = sum + b;
auto o = tanh(n);
o->label = "output";
Back-prop the gradients:
Visualize the computation via graph-vis:
wc -l src/scalar.hpp src/topo.hpp src/operation.hpp