Evaluating Brush Movements for Chinese Calligraphy: A Computer Vision Based Approach
Python 3.6
tensorflow 1.4.1
Keras 2.1.2
sklearn 0.19.1
image size is 1920*1080
git clone --recursive https://github.com/excitingx/Calligraphy-Evaluation
- preprocessing:
- framing: split video into frames
- image2vec: convert the images to a vector and label it
- recognization:
MCNN-LSTM_WriteStateReg.py is the main the process of recognization.
- evaluation:
- similar_feature_data.csv is the similarity data of the writing traces between the strokes of the students and the teacher.
- artificial_score.csv is the scorec by teachers.
- score_regression.py is the regression model used to predict the score.