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A super lightweight slots implementation for React


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A super lightweight modern alternative to react-slot-fill with familiar API.

  • Control sub-components rendering with Slot and Fill
  • Render content of sub-component in multiple places
  • Speedy - Fill and Slot communicate directly with each other
  • Tested with testing-library
  • Written in TypeScript
  • Zero dependencies
  • Only ~382 B

πŸ“¦ Install

npm i -S nano-slots
yarn add nano-slots

πŸ’» Usage

Create a component and define slots

import { Box, Flex } from 'theme-ui'
import { SlotsProvider, Slot } from 'nano-slots'

export const MediaObject = ({ children }) => (
      <Box mr={3}>
        <Slot name="media-side" />
        <Box mb={2}>
          <Slot name="media-title" />
          <Slot name="media-description" />

Render elements directly inside each slot

import { Fill } from 'nano-slots'
import { MediaObject } from './media-object'

const MyApp = () => (
    <Fill name="media-side">
      <img src='' alt="Kitten" />
    <Fill name="media-title">
    <Fill name="media-description">
      <p>Purr purr purr</p>

Edit nano-slots

πŸ“– API


import { SlotsProvider } from 'nano-slots'


  • children: ReactNode β€” any valid react children element


Creates a context for Slot / Fill components.


import { Slot } from 'nano-slots'


  • name: string β€” unique slot name for current SlotsProvider
  • children?: ReactNode β€” fallback in case Fill with matching name not provided, optional


Define the target slot for Fill component, can be used multiple times with the same name inside each SlotsProvider


import { Fill } from 'nano-slots'


  • name: string β€” unique slot name for current SlotsProvider
  • children: ReactNode β€” will be rendered inside matching Slot


Render children into matching Slot of current SlotsProvider.


import createSlots from 'nano-slots'


Designed for more advanced usages and stronger types. Returns an object containing:

  • .Provider β€” same as SlotsProvider, but with different context
  • .Slot β€” same as Slot, but with own context
  • .Fill β€” same as Fill, but with own context

Returned Slot and Fill can be used without a Provider.


export interface ProviderProps {
  children: React.ReactNode;

export function SlotsProvider(props: ProviderProps): JSX.Element;

export interface SlotProps<Names extends PropertyKey> {
  name: Names;
  children?: React.ReactNode;

export function Slot(props: SlotProps): JSX.Element;

export interface FillProps<Names extends PropertyKey> {
  name: Names;
  children?: React.ReactNode;

export function Fill(props: FillProps): null;

export default function createSlots<Names extends PropertyKey>(): {
  Provider: (props: SlotsProviderProps): JSX.Element;
  Slot: (props: SlotProps<Names>): JSX.Element;
  Fill: (props: FillProps<Names>): null;


MIT Β© John Grishin