ObpsLog is a multithreaded c++ logging library. Uses c++20 standard.
- User-configured severity levels.
- Easy on/off at compile time (no Runtime overhead).
- Global and scope based functionalities
- Thread-Safe
- Fast Writes (IO processed in separate thread)
- Supports files and Standard IO (iostream)
- Multiple output targets per Log instance. Allows user to split messages into different files by severity.
- Output message that matches single severity level. (for instance: output only INFO messages into a separate file...)
- Mute/Unmute some severity levels at Runtime.
- User custom formatting.
An API provides you GLOBAL_LOG and SCOPE_LOG functionality. First can be used for simple cases, where the second one is bounded by function scope and allows more precise configuring.
Both ways are thread safe. Each Log instance spawns separate thread and uses separate message queue by default.
#include <thread>
GLOBAL_LOG({LogLevel::ERROR, std::cerr}); // declare and cofigure global log
void thread_foo()
SCOPE_LOG({LogLevel::INFO, std::cout}); // declare and configure scope log
INFO("Important message"); // goes to scope log
int n = 42;
DEBUG("n = ", n); // goes to scope log
G_ERROR("Something terrible happend!"); // goes to global log
MUTE(LogLevel::INFO) // mutes scope log INFO
INFO("Ooops"); // muted (is lost for ever)
UNMUTE(LogLevel::INFO) // unmutes scope log INFO]
INFO("Yey"); // goes to scope log
void main()
// there is a sync version for each call that also flushes an output stream
OBPS_LOG_TEARDOWN(); //-> finalize threads in global thread pool