A simple script to create folders and a notes file. I use it for TryhackMe and HackTheBox
Also check out my writeups for TryHackMe / HackTheBox or Vulnhub machines --> https://writeupsforhacking.wordpress.com/
Add me on TryHackMe --> https://tryhackme.com/p/MightyIT
- When opening existing notes.md the IP will be updated from the input at start (IPs at TryHackMe boxes changes after redeploy)
- parts of script placed in functions
- no need to have the folders THM / HTB created. If you choose THM / HTB / VULN it will check existence and create them if needed
- it´s possible to "load" existing notes when folders already existing or you start again by deleting it
The folders for the platform will be created in the home directory (~/THM/BOXNAME)
./createLists.sh (to create a user.lst & password.lst out of your notes.md)
It´s super handy when you use terminator with split screen layout. So you can start with gobuster and other tools.