LeetCode solutions with Chinese explanation & Summary of classic algorithms.
alexcohn / tess-two
Forked from rmtheis/tess-twoFork of Tesseract Tools for Android
MediaPipe face detection gpu demo with MediaPipe's Android archive library
Bash script to resign an iOS app
A Step Counter for Android KitKat devices with Built-in Pedometers.
iOS的一些示例,持续更新中:1、AVFoundation 高仿微信相机拍摄和编辑 2、AVFoundation 人脸检测、实时滤镜、音视频编解码、GPUImage框架的使用等音视频相关内容 3、OpenGLES 4、LeetCode算法练习 5、iOS Crash防护和APM监控 6、WKWebView相关的内容 等........
Android media demo, with textureView,camera2,openGL,mediacodec,mediaRecorder
MacOS 自动化打包ipa,上传至蒲公英、fir,自动化xcarchive导包,解析/修改/保存Xcode工程配置
Present controllers as a function of state
An xposed module that disables SSL certificate checking for the purposes of auditing an app with cert pinning
React Native Cross-Platform WebView
An component WebView for iOS base on WKWebView
evifree / Piece
Forked from pol-chen/Piece📜 Less equals more. A neat and elegant app for temporary note-taking.
Simple, modern, thread-safe key-value observing for iOS and OS X.
资讯详情文章页面Demo 内容部分为HTML数据格式 基于WKWebView加载 原生图片加载方式 (支持GIF图片) 支持持久化缓存等
An easy way to adapter dark mode on CALayer. iOS 快速适配夜间模式
Base on (convert from)