targetSoc und minSoc wird bei Fahrzeug wechsel/trennen nicht übernommen #9283
Describe the bug
Das neue Feature aus #8115 funktioniert bei mir noch nicht in jedem Fall.
Sobald ich das Fahrzeug von der Wallbox trenne wird targetSoc und minSoc auf 100% bzw. 0% gesetzt obwohl vor dem Trennen noch z.B. 80% und 5% eingestellt waren.
Wenn ich das Auto dann anschließe bleibt es bei 100% bzw. 0%.
Welchsle ich das Fahrzeug hingegen nur virtuell über die GUI zum "Gastfahrzeug" und wieder zurück bleiben die 80% bzw. 5% erhalten.
Auch ein Neustart überlebt die Einstellung.
Evtl. liegt es an dem automatischen Wechsel zum Standardfahrzeug?
Steps to reproduce
- Auto anschließen
- In der GUI das Ladeziel auf 80% stellen und die min. Ladung auf 5%.
- Auto von der Wallbox trennen
- Das Standardfahrzeug wird automatisch angezeigt, welches das gleiche ist, wie das was verbunden war.
- Die Werte in der GUI wechseln aber auf 100% bzw. 0%
- Auto wieder anschließen
- Die Werte bleiben bei 100% bzw. 5%.
Configuration details
#uri: # uri for ui
plant: *****
interval: 20s # control cycle interval
log: debug
id: trace
easee: trace
# lp-1: trace
# tibber: trace
sponsortoken: *****
- type: template
template: kostal-plenticore
id: 71
port: 1502
usage: pv
modbus: tcpip
name: pv1
- type: template
template: kostal-plenticore
id: 71
port: 1502
usage: battery
modbus: tcpip
name: battery2
capacity: 5.2
- type: template
template: kostal-ksem-inverter
id: 71
port: 1502
usage: grid
modbus: tcpip
name: grid3
- name: easee1
type: easee
user: *****
password: *****
charger: EHE84FNG
timeout: 20s
- title: Carport
charger: easee1
mode: pv
mincurrent: 7
maxcurrent: 32
resetOnDisconnect: true
estimate: false # Interpolation des SoC zwischen den Abfragen zum Auto
mode: always
interval: 60m
vehicle: egolf
- egolf
# - tesla
delay: 3m
delay: 7m
threshold: 100
guardduration: 5m
priority: 10
title: Mein Zuhause
grid: grid3
- pv1
- battery2
bufferSoC: 95 # Hausbatterie wird oberhalb SoC x% als Puffer genutzt
prioritySoC: 20 # Hausbatterie bekommt bis zum SoC x% Priorität beim laden
residualPower: 100 # 100W soll immer eingespeist werden. Nötig für Batteriesystem
maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 50 # Verhindert den Netzbezug bei DC Leistung > AC Leistung und gleichzeitigem Batterieladen
- name: egolf
type: vw
title: eGolf
capacity: 21
user: *****
password: *****
phases: 1
minCurrent: 7
maxCurrent: 16
# targetSoC: 80 #-> Now stored from UI
#cloud: false
identifiers: 04DA682ABD7280
currency: EUR
type: tibber
token: *****
#price: 0.31 # [currency]/kWh
# rate for feeding excess (pv) energy to the grid
type: fixed
price: 0.077 # [currency]/kWh
type: grünstromindex
zip: 59609
url: http://solaranzeige:8086
database: evcc
telemetry: true
Log details
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:56 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:56 charge power: 0W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 pv power: 904W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 battery soc: 39%
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 battery power: -508W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 grid power: 9W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 site power: -399W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 charge currents: [0.009 0.008 0.008]A
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 charge total import: 4443.962kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 charger status: B
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 next soc poll remaining time: 44m19s
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:47:57 targetSoc reached: 83.0% > 80%
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:47:59 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:47:59 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T4 0.00800000037997961
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:47:59 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:47:59 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T5 0.00800000037997961
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:15 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:15 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 0.008999999612569809
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:16 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:16 charge power: 0W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 pv power: 832W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 battery soc: 39%
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 battery power: -454W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 grid power: -3W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 site power: -357W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 charge currents: [0.009 0.008 0.008]A
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 charge total import: 4443.962kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 charger status: B
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 next soc poll remaining time: 44m0s
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:17 targetSoc reached: 83.0% > 80%
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) CHARGING_SESSION {"Id":792,"Start":"2023-08-07T06:47:48.000Z","Stop":"2023-08-07T09:48:21.000Z","EnergyKwh":0.006552,"MeterValueStart":4443.955871,"MeterValueStop":4443.962423,"Auth":"","AuthReason":0}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) LEDMODE 18
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) SESSION_ENERGY 0.006551944650709629
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T4 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T5 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_2 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_4 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_5 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OP_MODE 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:21 +0000 UTC) PILOT_MODE A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:22 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:22 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 50
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:23 CommandResponse EHE84FNG: {SerialNumber:EHE84FNG ID:48 Timestamp:2023-08-07 09:48:22.300869 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-08-07 09:48:22.898 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638269985023008699}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:24 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:22 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CHARGER_CURRENT 32
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:36 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:36 charge power: 0W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 pv power: 912W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 battery soc: 39%
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 battery power: -515W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 grid power: -31W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 site power: -446W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 charge total import: 4443.962kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 charger status: A
[lp-1 ] INFO 2023/08/07 11:48:37 car disconnected
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 set charge mode: pv
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 set min current: 7
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 set max current: 32
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 set min soc: 0
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 set target soc: 100
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 set priority: 10
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 set min current: 7
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 set max current: 16
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 vehicle soc: 83%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 vehicle range: 93km
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:37 charge power: 0W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 pv power: 918W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 battery soc: 39%
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 battery power: -494W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 grid power: -19W
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 site power: -413W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 charge total import: 4443.962kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 charger status: A
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:38 next soc poll remaining time: 59m58s
[easee ] TRACE 2023/08/07 11:48:38 ProductUpdate EHE84FNG: (2023-08-07 09:48:38 +0000 UTC) ERROR_STRING {"rcd":{"ok":1}}
[site ] DEBUG 2023/08/07 11:48:56 ----
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