Hi! I am arriving here via using jest 22+. I have quite a headache debugging why my WASM stack traces in jest:
RuntimeError: Aborted(-1)
at abort (/mnt/user-data/adam/scratch/out.js:986:11)
at _logstr (/mnt/user-data/adam/scratch/out.js:1502:36)
at void info<char const*, unsigned long, char const*>(char const*, unsigned long, char const*) (wasm://wasm/16a7a962:wasm-function[236]:0x548d7)
at test_async_func (wasm://wasm/16a7a962:wasm-function[235]:0x547d4)
were being rewritten:
RuntimeError: Aborted(-1)
at abort (/mnt/user-data/adam/scratch/out.js:986:11)
at _logstr (/mnt/user-data/adam/scratch/out.js:1502:36)
at void info<char const*, unsigned long, char const*>(char const*, unsigned long, char const*) (wasm://wasm/16a7a962:1:346266)
at test_async_func (wasm://wasm/16a7a962:1:346007)
This interfered with the way I was transforming to line numbers as these numbers don't quite line up.
I came to this repo as restoring prepareStackTrace to the default alleviated the issue (of course, also disabling source maps though) I was wondering if light could be shed on the behaviour, I'm not sure how this rewrite was intended to be used but I cannot pass this through a DWARF-based stack trace translator, at least not in a way I can see
Thanks for any insight
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