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Fooling around in elixir…
Fooling around in elixir…

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Jesse Leite jesseleite
Dev at @statamic. Builder at @1337keyboards. #Vim shill. #Xcom rookie. #Metroid larva. #Zelda cucco. #Elden soul. #Saints fan. 1 John 4:19.

@statamic / @1337keyboards The Shire, Middle-earth

Christian Tietze DivineDominion
I create software to make people more productive @Zettelkasten-Method. And I write about clean coding @CleanCocoa.

@Zettelkasten-Method Bielefeld, Germany

Kevin Brown chevinbrown
Computers and friends


Joschua selfire1

QLD, Australia

John Mair banister
I created Pry, binding_of_caller, method_source, debug_inspector, and so on

Secret The Hague, Netherlands

Seth Messer megalithic
elixir, dev ux, neovim, etc, etc.


Addy Osmani addyosmani
Engineering Lead at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform

Google Mountain View, California

mattn mattn
Long-time Golang user&contributor, Google Dev Expert for Go, and author of many Go tools, Vim plugin author. Windows hacker C#/Java/C/C++, ex-GitHubStars

Osaka, Japan

Aman Karmani tmm1
building Cursor @anysphere. formerly @github, creator of the merge button. founder @fancybits contributor to golang and ffmpeg.


Reg Braithwaite raganwald
formerly @PagerDuty, @github, @unspace, devtopia, kl group/sitraka, codestorm, publishing revenue partners. javascript allongé, what i learned from failure, &c.

Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Elais Player elais

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Oakland, California

☈king rking

Sharpsaw!org #sharpsaw

meh. meh
Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon.


Matthew O'Gorman mogorman
Mog is a 6 foot tall ape descendant.

Boston, Ma

Gustavo Leon hpneo
Man out of time. Creator of gmaps.js, and @CodePicnic co-founder.

CodePicnic Lima - Perú

Tony Legrone tonylegrone

Chronicle Birmingham Alabama

Justin Marbutt JustinMarbutt

Parent Square Birmingham, AL

Stephen Belanger Qard
@nodejs core contributor, founded tracing (now diagnostics) working group. I hack on compilers and VMs.

Datadog Vancouver, BC, Canada

heapwolf heapwolf
Founder & engineer at @socketsupply. Researching internet RFCs and P2P.

@socketsupply New York


marak.eth New York City, New York

Nick Campbell ncb000gt
Founder, Developer, Coach, Dad.

MarginEdge | Cubed Wells, ME

Dale Harvey daleharvey

Mozilla Edinburgh, Scotland

Aria Stewart aredridel
I make art. Hey, Github: DROP ICE.

hire me! Salem, MA