Forecast time-series by cross-validation method and choose the best models automatically. It contains functions to perform cross-validation and to help decision on the best models according to some goodness of fit statistics, say: MAPE, MAE, RMSE, etc. Ideas like linearity and trend are used to help decision process.
Note: Contains some R functions from the non-official package cv.ts (thanks)
To install code run
Note: There are lots of undocumented code. Use it as your own risk. If you want to help improve, please add comments in the Issues section!
This is the core function of the package. It computes multiple forecasts by the technique of Cross-Validation. The decision about the best models is based on linearity, trend, fit accuracy as for as residual analysis.
cvforecast(tsdata, tsControl = cvForecastControl(), fcMethod = NULL, ...)
# Args
tsdata # data.frame type date-value, ts, mts or xts time series object
tsControl # generic control with several args for the modelling process.
fcMethod # accept the forecast method fefined by the user. This argument
# can be a string or a list, eg. fcMethod = "fc_ets" or a list as
# fcMethod = list("fc_ets", "fc_hws"). If NULL, decision is made
# automatically.
Define cross validation parameters
myControl <- cvForecastControl(
minObs = 14, # minimum of observations
stepSize = 10, # step size for resampling
maxHorizon = 30, # forecast horizon
summaryFunc=tsSummary, # function to sumarize cross-validation accuracy
cvMethod="MAPE", # accuracy statistic choice for decicion
tsfrequency='day', # data frequency
OutlierClean=FALSE, # clean outlier in data
dateformat='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') # date format is factor or character
Paralell execution improves the processing time
require("doParallel") # extra package for paralelization
cl <- makeCluster(4, type='SOCK') # 4 is the number os logical cores. Edit as your own!
registerDoParallel(cl) # register cluster
Load data and convert to 'ts'
data(datasample, package="cvforecast")
tsdata <- ConvertData(datasample[,1:6],
dateformat='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', tsfrequency = "day",
table(sapply(tsdata, class)) # check class to confirm conversions
Looping for several forecasts
FF <- llply(tsdata, function(X) {
fit <- try(cvforecast(X, myControl))
if(class(fit) != "try-error") {
} else NA
}, .progress = "time")
Summary statistics for first list of best models from the first variable.