is an R package designed to perform optimal binning
and calculate Weight of Evidence (WoE) for both numerical and
categorical features. It implements a variety of advanced binning
algorithms to discretize continuous variables and optimize categorical
variables for predictive modeling, particularly in credit scoring and
risk assessment applications.
The package supports automatic method selection, data preprocessing, and handles both numerical and categorical features. It aims to maximize the predictive power of features while maintaining interpretability through monotonic binning and information value optimization.
Weight of Evidence is a measure used to encode categorical variables in logistic regression, particularly in credit scoring. It quantifies the predictive power of a feature by comparing the distribution of good and bad cases across bins.
For bin
where: -
Information Value quantifies the overall predictive power of a feature. It is calculated as the sum of the WoE differences between good and bad cases across all bins.
For bin
The total Information Value is:
$$\text{IV}{\text{total}} = \sum{i=1}^{n} \text{IV}_i$$
Interpretation of IV values:
- IV < 0.02: Not Predictive
- 0.02 ≤ IV < 0.1: Weak Predictive Power
- 0.1 ≤ IV < 0.3: Medium Predictive Power
- 0.3 ≤ IV < 0.5: Strong Predictive Power
- IV ≥ 0.5: Suspicious or Overfitting
- Fisher’s Exact Test Binning (FETB): Uses Fisher’s exact test to merge categories with similar target distributions.
- ChiMerge (CM): Merges categories based on chi-square statistics to ensure homogeneous bins.
- Unsupervised Decision Trees (UDT): Applies decision tree algorithms for unsupervised categorical binning.
- Information Value Binning (IVB): Bins categories based on maximizing Information Value.
- Greedy Monotonic Binning (GMB): Creates monotonic bins using a greedy approach.
- Sliding Window Binning (SWB): Adapts the sliding window method for categorical variables.
- Dynamic Programming with Local Constraints (DPLC): Applies dynamic programming for optimal binning with local constraints.
- Monotonic Optimal Binning (MOB): Ensures monotonicity in WoE across categories.
- Modified Binning Algorithm (MBA): A modified approach tailored for categorical variable binning.
- Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP): Uses MILP to find the optimal binning solution.
- Simulated Annealing Binning (SAB): Applies simulated annealing for binning optimization.
- Unsupervised Decision Trees (UDT): Utilizes decision tree algorithms in an unsupervised manner.
- Minimum Description Length Principle (MDLP): Implements MDLP criterion for optimal binning.
- Monotonic Optimal Binning (MOB): Ensures monotonicity in WoE across bins.
- Monotonic Binning via Linear Programming (MBLP): Uses linear programming to achieve monotonic binning.
- Dynamic Programming with Local Constraints (DPLC): Employs dynamic programming for numerical variables.
- Local Polynomial Density Binning (LPDB): Uses local polynomial density estimation.
- Unsupervised Binning with Standard Deviation (UBSD): Bins based on standard deviation intervals.
- Fisher’s Exact Test Binning (FETB): Applies Fisher’s exact test to numerical variables.
- Equal Width Binning (EWB): Creates bins of equal width across the variable’s range.
- K-means Binning (KMB): Uses k-means clustering for binning.
- Optimal Supervised Learning Path (OSLP): Finds optimal bins using supervised learning paths.
- Monotonic Regression-Based Linear Programming (MRBLP): Combines monotonic regression with linear programming.
- Isotonic Regression (IR): Uses isotonic regression for binning.
- Branch and Bound (BB): Employs branch and bound algorithm for optimal binning.
- Local Density Binning (LDB): Utilizes local density estimation for binning.
Install the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
The main function provided by the package is obwoe()
, which performs
optimal binning and WoE calculation.
features = NULL,
method = "auto",
preprocess = TRUE,
outputall = TRUE,
min_bins = 3,
max_bins = 4,
positive = "bad|1",
progress = TRUE,
trace = TRUE,
control = list(...)
- dt: A
containing the dataset. - target: The name of the binary target variable.
- features: Vector of feature names to process. If
, all features except the target will be processed. - method: The binning method to use. Can be
or one of the methods listed in the Supported Algorithms section. - preprocess: Logical. Whether to preprocess the data before binning
). - outputall: Logical. If
, returns detailed output including data, binning information, and reports (default:TRUE
). - min_bins: Minimum number of bins (default:
). - max_bins: Maximum number of bins (default:
). - positive: Specifies which category should be considered as
positive (e.g.,
). - progress: Logical. Whether to display a progress bar (default:
). - trace: Logical. Whether to generate error logs when testing
existing methods (default:
). - control: A list of additional control parameters (see below).
The control
list allows fine-tuning of the binning process:
- cat_cutoff: Minimum frequency for a category (default:
). - bin_cutoff: Minimum frequency for a bin (default:
). - min_bads: Minimum proportion of bad cases in a bin (default:
). - pvalue_threshold: P-value threshold for statistical tests
). - max_n_prebins: Maximum number of pre-bins (default:
). - monotonicity_direction: Direction of monotonicity (“increase” or “decrease”).
- lambda: Regularization parameter for some algorithms (default:
). - min_bin_size: Minimum bin size as a proportion of total
observations (default:
). - min_iv_gain: Minimum IV gain for bin splitting (default:
). - max_depth: Maximum depth for tree-based algorithms (default:
). - num_miss_value: Value to replace missing numeric values (default:
). - char_miss_value: Value to replace missing categorical values
). - outlier_method: Method for outlier detection (
, or"grubbs"
). - outlier_process: Whether to process outliers (default:
). - iqr_k: IQR multiplier for outlier detection (default:
). - zscore_threshold: Z-score threshold for outlier detection
). - grubbs_alpha: Significance level for Grubbs’ test (default:
). - n_threads: Number of threads for parallel processing (default:
). - is_monotonic: Whether to enforce monotonicity in binning (default:
). - population_size: Population size for genetic algorithm (default:
). - max_generations: Maximum number of generations for genetic
algorithm (default:
). - mutation_rate: Mutation rate for genetic algorithm (default:
). - initial_temperature: Initial temperature for simulated annealing
). - cooling_rate: Cooling rate for simulated annealing (default:
). - max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations for iterative
algorithms (default:
). - include_upper_bound: Include upper bound for numeric bins
). - bin_separator: Separator for bins in categorical variables
# Load the German Credit dataset
data(germancredit, package = "scorecard")
dt <- as.data.table(germancredit)
# Process all features with Monotonic Binning via Linear Programming (MBLP) method
result <- obwoe(
target = "creditability",
method = "auto",
min_bins = 3,
max_bins = 3,
positive = "bad|1",
features = c("age.in.years", "purpose"),
control = list(bin_separator = "'+'")
# View WoE binning information
result$woebin[, 1:7] %>%
# Select numeric features excluding the target
numeric_features <- names(dt)[sapply(dt, is.numeric)]
numeric_features <- setdiff(numeric_features, "creditability")
# Process numeric features with detailed output
result_detailed <- obwoe(
target = "creditability",
features = numeric_features,
method = "auto",
preprocess = TRUE,
outputall = TRUE,
min_bins = 3,
max_bins = 3,
positive = "bad|1"
# View WoE-transformed data
result_detailed$data[, 1:4] %>%
head(5) %>%
# View best model report
result_detailed$report_best_model[, 1:5] %>%
head(5) %>%
# View preprocessing report
# print(result_detailed$report_preprocess)
# Select categorical features excluding the target
categoric_features <- names(dt)[sapply(dt, function(i) !is.numeric(i))]
categoric_features <- setdiff(categoric_features, "creditability")
# Process categorical features with UDT method
result_cat <- obwoe(
target = "creditability",
features = categoric_features,
method = "udt",
preprocess = TRUE,
min_bins = 3,
max_bins = 4,
positive = "bad|1"
# View binning information for categorical features
result_cat$woebin[, 1:7] %>% knitr::kable()
- Method Selection: When
method = "auto"
, the function tests multiple algorithms and selects the one that produces the highest total Information Value while respecting the specified constraints. - Monotonicity: Enforcing monotonicity in binning
is_monotonic = TRUE
) is recommended for credit scoring models to ensure interpretability. - Preprocessing: It’s advisable to preprocess data
preprocess = TRUE
) to handle missing values and outliers effectively. - Bin Constraints: Adjust
according to the feature’s characteristics and the desired level of granularity. - Control Parameters: Fine-tune the
parameters to optimize the binning process for your specific dataset.
- Siddiqi, N. (2006). Credit Risk Scorecards: Developing and Implementing Intelligent Credit Scoring. John Wiley & Sons.
- Hand, D. J., & Henley, W. E. (1997). Statistical classification methods in consumer credit scoring: a review. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 160(3), 523-541.
- Thomas, L. C., Edelman, D. B., & Crook, J. N. (2002). Credit Scoring and Its Applications. SIAM.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE for details.