Today we allow privacy requests to be approved from the Privacy Requests page with a single-click. While this is convenient, we're also finding in some user testing that it's surprising behavior: after all, when a privacy request is approved, it'll immediately start querying databases, making API calls, and (in the case of an erasure) will also start deleting data!
To avoid this, we should add a confirmation modal to the workflow. Here's a quick mockup from @NevilleS with some proposed copy:
Are you sure you want to approve this privacy request?
[Cancel] [Confirm]
We should use our existing confirmation modal pattern for this, so follow the existing conventions for consistency!
Acceptance Criteria
- When a privacy request is approved, a confirmation modal appears
- If the confirmation modal is cancelled, the request remains unapproved
- If the confirmation modal is confirmed, the request is approved and begins processing