Hello, trying to implement the following tutorial in ethers in order to load data from a "private" mapping.
With respect to the mapping example, how would the following code look in ethers?
index = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005'
key = '00000000000000000000000xbccc714d56bc0da0fd33d96d2a87b680dd6d0df6'
let newKey = web3.sha3(key + index, {"encoding":"hex"})
console.log(web3.eth.getStorageAt(contractAddress, newKey))
console.log('DEC: ' + web3.toDecimal(web3.eth.getStorageAt(contractAddress, newKey)))
I have tried the following which raises an error EXCEPTION Error: data out-of-bounds (length=32, offset=64, code=BUFFER_OVERRUN, version=abi/5.0.5)
let key = ethers.getAddress('0x...');
let offset = ethers.BigNumber.from(5);
let mappingKey = ethers.utils.keccak256([key, offset]);
let mappingData = await ethers.provider.getStorageAt(contractAddress, mappingKey, blockNumber);
Specifically, how does one convert the key and offset to appropriately sized hex strings for the hash function? Thanks in advance!