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added: main, med_filtr.m, padding.m, graphics
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etfovac committed Aug 22, 2023
1 parent daccd7b commit d3ff053
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Showing 10 changed files with 370 additions and 1 deletion.
Binary file added graphics/Fig 1.png
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Binary file added graphics/Fig 2.png
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Binary file added graphics/Fig 3.png
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Binary file added graphics/Fig 4.png
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Binary file added graphics/Fig 5.png
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Binary file added graphics/Fig 6.png
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318 changes: 318 additions & 0 deletions src/main.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
close all; clear; clc;
% 1. Load a mono audio test signal (.wav)
[filename, path] = uigetfile('*.wav', ...
'Select a mono audio file', '..\test files\', 'MultiSelect', 'off');
if (filename == 0)
[x, fo] = audioread([path, filename]);
% fo = sampling frequency of x(n)
signal_len = length(x);

% 2. Input signal Pre-pocessing: Normalization
x_sr = sum(x)/signal_len;
x = x - x_sr; % removes DC component
x_max = max(abs(x));
x_norm = x/x_max; % Normalization to [-1,+1] range
x_pass = abs(x_norm) > 0.075;
x_padd = padding(x_pass, 16, 9, 'same');
x_med = med_filtr(x_padd, 1, 16, 9);
x_sel = x_norm.*[x_med; zeros(1, length(x_norm)-length(x_med))'];

% 3. Cepstrum of the Input signal
win_len = 128; % num of points of each segment
window = hamming(win_len); % gausswin(win_len);
overlap = 64;
shift = win_len - overlap; % = 64
N = 128; % num of points for FFT
blocks = zeros(win_len, 1); % ie. segments
for i = 0 : shift : signal_len - 1 - win_len
ordinal = (i/shift)+1;
% ordinal of the segment/spectrum/cepstrum/point of F0 contour
blocks(1: win_len, ordinal) = x_sel(i+1 : i+win_len).*window;

% Short time/term spectrums
STFT = fft(blocks, N);
STFTmag = abs(STFT);
% sqrt(C*conj(C)) = abs(C), when C is a complex number

% Cepstrums of the Input signal
K = real(ifft(log(STFTmag), N));

% fft and other built-in fns work by columns of matrices
% of dimensions row_num x col_num ie. win_len x ordinal

% 4. Time, Frequency and Quefrency axis
T = 1/fo;
t_axis = (0: signal_len - 1)*T; % t_axis is Time axis [s]

dt_F0 = shift*T; % = 0.01161 s = 11.61 ms
t_axis_F0 = (2: ordinal+1)*dt_F0; % t_axis_F0 is Time axis [s]

df = fo/N;
f_axis = (0: N/2-1)*df; % f_axis is Frequency axis [Hz]

dq = T; % = 0.125 ms
q_axis = (0: N/2-1)*dq; % q_axis is Quefrency axis [s]

% 5. F0 - Fundamental Frequency of the input signal
F0_ggr = 300; % [Hz]
F0_low_lim = 80; % [Hz]
T0_low_lim = 1/F0_ggr; % = 3.33 ms
T0_ggr = 1/F0_low_lim; % = 12.5 ms

index_ggr = min(N,ceil(T0_ggr/dq));
index_low_lim = floor(T0_low_lim/dq);
[Kmaxi, Kmax_ind] = max(K(index_low_lim: index_ggr, :));
% peak detection threshold
% peak position on time axis is 1/F0
threshold = max(Kmaxi)*0.25;
% threshold = max(Kmaxi)*0.52; % = 0.1056 for Filtered signal
% threshold = max(Kmaxi)*0.48; % = 0.10896 for Noisy signal
% threshold decides if a segment of the input signal is resonant ie. has F0
max_ind = find(Kmaxi >= threshold);
% max, find and other built-in fns work by matrix columns

F0 = zeros(ordinal, 1);
F0(max_ind) = 1./((Kmax_ind(max_ind) + index_low_lim - 1)*dq);

% We want just non-zero values of F0 --> new axis
t_axis_F0_non0 = t_axis_F0(F0 ~= 0);
F0_non0 = F0(F0 ~= 0);

% 6. Median filtering (3, 5)
med_shift = 1;
med_window = 3;
med_center = 2;

% padding F0 (mirror the samples) to get length(med_F0) = length(F0_non0)
F0_padd = padding(F0_non0, med_window, med_center, 'mirror');
F0_med = med_filtr(F0_padd, med_shift, med_window, med_center);

% 7. Non-linear filtering (Rabiner, Schafer)
% Median (3, 5) + Linear h = [1/4, 1/2, 1/4]
b = [1/4, 1/2, 1/4];
a = zeros(1, length(b));
a(1) = 1;
y = filter(b, a, F0_med);
z = F0_non0 - y;
z_padd = padding(z, med_window, med_center, 'same');
z_med = med_filtr(z_padd, med_shift, med_window, med_center);
v = filter(b, a, z_med);
F0_med_lin = y + v;

F0_med_lin_padd1 = ...
padding(F0_med_lin, med_window, med_center, 'mirror');
F0_med_lin_med1 = ...
med_filtr(F0_med_lin_padd1, med_shift, med_window, med_center);

F0_med_lin_padd = ...
padding(F0_med_lin_med1, med_window, med_center, 'zeros');
F0_med_lin_med = ...
med_filtr(F0_med_lin_padd, med_shift, med_window, med_center);

% 8. Fig. Group 1: Input signal and its Fundamental Frequency
% SYNCED, after Median and Non-linear filtering,
% with Praat data
plot(t_axis, x_norm)
hold on
plot(t_axis, [x_med; zeros(1, length(x_norm)-length(x_med))'])
ylabel('Amplitude')%, xlabel('Time [s]')
title('Input speech signal (normalized)')
axis([min(t_axis) max(t_axis), -1.05 1.05])
hold off
grid on
plot(t_axis_F0_non0, F0_non0, 'k-s', 'linewidth', 1.5,...
'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'b')
xlabel('Time [s]'), ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
title(['Fundamental Frequency F_0, threshold = ', num2str(threshold)])
axis([min(t_axis) max(t_axis), ...
round(min(F0_non0)*0.9/30)*30 round(max(F0_non0)*1.1/30)*30])
limits = axis;
set(gca,'ytick',limits(3): 10: limits(4))
grid on
% Fig. 2
plot(t_axis_F0_non0, F0_med, 'k-s', ...
'linewidth', 1.5, 'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'g')
ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
title(['Fundamental Frequency F_0'...
', Median (', num2str(med_center), ', ' num2str(med_window),...
') filtering'])
grid on

% Load Praat dataset (.txt)
[filepath,name,ext] = fileparts(filename);
if (filename == 0)
disp('Loading data generated in Praat is cancelled!')
praat_t_axis_F0_non0 = [min(t_axis) max(t_axis)];
praat_F0_non0 = [0 0];
plot(praat_t_axis_F0_non0, praat_F0_non0, '--r', 'linewidth', 3)
[r_br, Time_praat, F0_praat] =...
read_praat_output('test files', name);
% only non-zero F0
praat_t_axis_F0_non0 = Time_praat(F0_praat ~= 0);
praat_F0_non0 = F0_praat(F0_praat ~= 0);
plot(praat_t_axis_F0_non0, praat_F0_non0, 'k-s',...
'linewidth', 1.5, 'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'm')
xlabel('Time [s]'), ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
title('Fundamental Frequency F_0, Praat')
set(gca,'ytick',limits(3): 10: limits(4))
grid on
% Fig. 3
subplot(2, 1, 1)
plot(t_axis_F0_non0, F0_med_lin, 'k-s', ...
'linewidth', 1.5, 'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'c')
ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
title('Fundamental Frequency F_0, Non-linear filtering')
set(gca,'ytick',limits(3): 10: limits(4))
grid on
subplot(2, 1, 2)
plot(t_axis_F0_non0, F0_med_lin_med, 'k-s', ...
'linewidth', 1.5, 'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'y')
xlabel('Time [s]'), ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
title('Fundamental Frequency F_0, Non-linear + Median filtering')
set(gca,'ytick',limits(3): 10: limits(4))
grid on

% 9. Fig. Group 2: F0 Graphs
% Fig. 4
plot(t_axis_F0_non0, F0_non0, 'k-s', 'linewidth', 1,...
'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'b')
hold on
plot(t_axis_F0_non0, F0_med, 'k-s', ...
'linewidth', 1, 'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'g')
plot(praat_t_axis_F0_non0, praat_F0_non0, 'k-s',...
'linewidth', 1, 'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'm')
plot(t_axis_F0_non0, F0_med_lin_med, 'k-s', ...
'linewidth', 1, 'markersize', 3, 'markerfacecolor', 'y')
xlabel('Time [s]'), ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
title('Fundamental Frequency F_0')
legend('threshold', 'Median', 'Praat', 'Nelin + Med', 'location', 'southoutside')
% legenda ide tamo gde ne smeta
axis([min(praat_t_axis_F0_non0(1), t_axis_F0_non0(1))*0.9 ...
max(praat_t_axis_F0_non0(end), t_axis_F0_non0(end))*1.05, ...
set(gca,'ytick',limits(3): 10: limits(4))
grid on
hold off

% 10. Fig. Group 3: Spectrums and Cepstrums (segments 168 to 190)
start_segment = 168;
stop_segment = 190;
STFTmagdB = 20*log10(STFTmag);
STFTmaxdB = max(max(STFTmagdB));
STFTnormdB = STFTmagdB/STFTmaxdB;
% Fig.5
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(f_axis, STFTnormdB(1: N/2, start_segment) + start_segment, ...
'linewidth', 1.4)
for i = start_segment + 1: 1: stop_segment
line(f_axis, STFTnormdB(1: N/2, i) + i, 'linewidth', 1.4)
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
ylabel('Spectrum Ordinal')
title('Spectrums (normalized)')
axis([min(f_axis) max(f_axis), start_segment-1 stop_segment+1])
limits_s = axis;
set(gca,'xtick',limits_s(1): 1000: limits_s(2))
set(gca,'ytick',limits_s(3)+1: 1: limits_s(4)-1)
line([F0_low_lim F0_low_lim], [limits_s(3), limits_s(4)], ...
'linestyle', ':', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2)
line([F0_ggr F0_ggr], [limits_s(3), limits_s(4)], ...
'linestyle', ':', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2)
grid on
subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot(q_axis, K(1: N/2, start_segment) + start_segment, 'k', 'linewidth', 1.5)
for i = start_segment + 1: 1: stop_segment
line(q_axis, K(1: N/2, i) + i, 'color', 'k', 'linewidth', 1.5)
line([T0_low_lim T0_low_lim], [limits_s(3), limits_s(4)], ...
'linestyle', ':', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2)
line([T0_ggr T0_ggr], [limits_s(3), limits_s(4)], ...
'linestyle', ':', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2)
xlabel('Quefrency [s]')
ylabel('Cepstrum Ordinal')
axis([min(q_axis) max(q_axis), start_segment-1 stop_segment+1])
limits_k = axis;
set(gca,'ytick',limits_k(3)+1: 1: limits_k(4)-1)
grid on

% 11. Fig. Group 4: Spectrum & Cepstrum (segment Num. 175)
segment = 175;
lim = index_low_lim; % = 36
K_short_seg = K(1: lim, segment);
K_short_seg(lim + 1 : win_len, 1) = 0; % zero padding
short_win = window;
K_short_seg_win = K_short_seg.*short_win;
K_short_seg_fft = abs(fft(K_short_seg_win, N));
factor = 43; % lower factor increases HF part of cepstrum (see fig)
% factor = 28; % for Filtered signal
% factor = 90; % for Noisy signal
K_short_seg_scaled = - 20*(1/log(10))*K_short_seg_fft *factor;
K_short_seg_norm = K_short_seg_scaled + abs(max(K_short_seg_scaled));

STFTmag_seg = STFTmag(1: N/2, segment);
STFTmag_seg_dB = 20*log10(STFTmag_seg);
STFTmag_seg_norm_dB = STFTmag_seg_dB - abs(max(STFTmag_seg_dB));
plot(f_axis, STFTmag_seg_norm_dB, 'linewidth', 1.25)
line(f_axis, K_short_seg_norm(1: N/2), ...
'color', 'k', 'linewidth', 2)
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
ylabel('Magnitude [dB]')
title(['Segment num. ' num2str(segment)])
legend('Spectrum', 'FT(Cepstrum)')
% legenda ide tamo gde ne smeta
axis([min(f_axis) max(f_axis), - 80 5])
limits_f = axis;
set(gca,'xtick',limits_f(1): 500: limits_f(2))
set(gca,'ytick',limits_f(3): 5: limits_f(4))
line([F0_low_lim F0_low_lim], [limits_f(3), limits_f(4)], ...
'linestyle', ':', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2)
line([F0_ggr F0_ggr], [limits_f(3), limits_f(4)], ...
'linestyle', ':', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2)
grid on

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions src/med_filtr.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
function output = med_filtr(input, med_shift, med_window, med_center)
% Median filtering
% This fn works with columns.
% for wrong inputs:
if med_window < med_center
disp('Error! med_filtr: med_window < med_center')
med_window = med_center;
disp('Correction: med_window = med_center')
% median filtering
output = zeros(size(input, 1) - med_window + 1, 1);
for i = 1 : med_shift : size(input, 1) - med_window + 1
sorted = sort(input(i : i + med_window - 1, :), 1, 'ascend');
output(i, :) = sorted(med_center, :);
% alternative implementation:
% Built-in 'median' in for loop:
% output(i, :) = median(input(i : i + med_window - 1, :));
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/padding.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
function input_padd = padding(input, med_window, med_center, padding_type)
% input is a vector M1 x A
% izlaz is a vector M2 x B
% padding is extending the vector
% to get M1 = M2 after med_filtr OR filter fn
% padding_type - a char variable
% This fn works with columns.
[dim1, dim2] = size(input);
offset = abs(med_center - med_window);
% padding (extension) at the ends of input vector
switch padding_type
case 'mirror'
padd_begin = input(offset : -1 : 1, :);
padd_end = input(dim1 : -1 : dim1 - offset + 1, :);
case 'same'
padd_begin = zeros(offset,1);
padd_begin(1 : offset) = input(1, :);
padd_end = zeros(offset,1);
padd_end(1 : offset) = input(dim1, :);
case 'zeros'
padd_begin = zeros(offset, dim2);
padd_end = zeros(offset, dim2);
padd_begin = [];
padd_end = [];
input_padd = [padd_begin; input; padd_end];
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/test_read_praat_output.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
%addpath(['.' filesep 'cepstrum' filesep 'test files'])
addpath(['.' filesep 'cepstrum' filesep 'test files'])

[N, dt, F0] = read_praat_output('test files', 'OSR_us_000_0011_8k_1');

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