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Non Heroku Installation

acmeraptor edited this page Dec 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

For this type of install, you will need shell and root access on your host system. The following page gives an excellent breakdown of getting Ruby on Rails installed on your choice of operating system:

When you get to the point in the above instructions to create an application, use the postgresql (version 9.5 or above) option as PWB uses that for its database.

Now PWB can be installed with by running the following:

Install into an existing Rails project by adding these lines in your applications's Gemfile:

 gem 'pwb', git: '', branch: 'master'
 gem 'globalize', git: ''
 gem 'paloma', github: 'fredngo/paloma'

Then execute:

 $ bundle

Mount the PropertyWebBuilder by adding the following to your config/routes.rb file:

 mount Pwb::Engine => '/'

and run the ff commands from the console:

 rails pwb:install:migrations
 rails db:create
 rails db:migrate
 rails pwb:db:seed
 rails pwb:db:seed_pages

Property Web Scraper

This is an add-on to scrape information from an existing listing into PWB, do the following to install:

Add property_web_scraper with this line in your gemfile:

 gem 'property_web_scraper', github: 'RealEstateWebTools/property_web_scraper'

Run "bundle update" to download the gem

 $ bundle update

Mount it at /io by adding this to your config/routes.rb:

 mount PropertyWebScraper::Engine => '/io/'

Copy the migrations:

 rails property_web_scraper:install:migrations


 rails db:migrate

Seed the database:

 rails property_web_scraper:db:seed

Add this line to your config/initializers/assets.rb file:

 Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( pwb/themes/default.css )