Shader collection for Unity built-in shading. Tested with Unity 2018.4.20f1.
Customized PBR shader, similar to Autodesk Interactive. It supports "wrong roughness correction" and advanced features of the Amplify Shader Editor such as refraction, transparency and translucency.
Visualizes normals, UV1, UV2, and position.
Occludes everything behind.
A metapass-only shader to provide static lighting.
GPU particles of migrating small fish such as in an aquarium. See also OsakanaShader/
Autodesk Interactiveに似たPBRシェーダー。おかしなRoughnessを補正したり、Amplify Shader Editorの高度な機能(屈折、Transmission、Translucency)をサポート。
Static Lightingにのみ反映されるメタパスだけのシェーダー。