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Go Boilerplate provides a robust foundation that is always ready to be open-sourced


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Golang Service Template

Golang Service Template project is designed to provide a robust foundation that is always ready to be open-sourced, accelerating development and fostering a unified understanding across disciplines. It empowers teams to quickly adopt best practices and streamline the project setup, ensuring consistency and clarity from the very start.


This project inherits the Standard Go Project Layout structure but includes its own interpretation.

The template code also serves as a service template, implemented with Hexagonal Architecture to support typical software organizations striving to apply Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) and Domain-Driven Design (DDD).

The decision to use Hexagonal Architecture is based on its simplicity as one of the most straightforward implementations of Onion Architecture, with which I have extensive experience. Additionally, it is flexible enough to evolve into more structured or complex systems, such as Clean Architecture, as project requirements grow.

Hexagonal Architecture Overview

This project follows hexagonal architecture principles, also known as ports and adapters pattern:

Business Logic (pkg/sample/business/)

  • Contains domain entities and business rules
  • Defines interfaces (ports) that the outside world must implement
  • No external dependencies, pure business logic
  • Example: channels.Service interface in pkg/sample/business/channels/service.go

Adapters (pkg/sample/adapters/)

  • Implements interfaces defined by the business logic
  • Handles external concerns (HTTP, GRPC, database, etc.)
  • Organized by technology/concern:
    • appcontext/: Application configuration and context
    • storage/: Database repositories
    • http/: HTTP server and handlers
    • grpc/: GRPC server and handlers


├── cmd/                     # Application entry points
│   ├── migrate/             # Database migration tool (based on goose)
│   ├── manage/              # Manages codebase and app-related resources
│   └── serve/               # Main service entry point
├── pkg/
│   └── sample/              # Our application code
│       ├── adapters/        # Implementation of ports (adapters)
│       │   ├── appcontext/  # Application context and configuration
│       │   ├── http/        # HTTP server and handlers
│       │   ├── grpc/        # GRPC server and handlers
│       │   └── storage/     # Database repositories
│       └── business/        # Business logic and domain models
│           ├── channels/    # Channel-related business objects
│           └── tenants/     # Tenant-related business objects
├── etc/
│   └── data/                # Data source-related files
│       └── default/         # Data source name
│           ├── migrations/  # SQL migration files
│           └── queries/     # SQL query definitions
└── ops/                     # Operational configurations
    └── docker/              # Docker-related files


  • 1️⃣ Ensure that golang tools are properly installed on your machine

    $ go version
    go version go0.0.0 os/arch64
    $ go env GOPATH

    Important rules:

    • GOPATH envvar must be set to output of go env GOPATH
    • $GOPATH/bin must be included to your PATH envvar

    So, your ~/.zprofile should include something like this:

    export GOPATH="$(go env GOPATH)"
    export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
  • 2️⃣ Install prerequisites

    On macOS and Homebrew (automatically):

    $ make init

    If it fails on any step, you can install them manually by following the steps below. Otherwise, you can skip the rest of the steps.

    On other OS or without Homebrew:

    $ brew install pre-commit
    ==> Fetching dependencies for pre-commit
    ==> Fetching pre-commit
    ==> Installing dependencies for pre-commit
    ==> Installing pre-commit
    $ pre-commit install
    pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
    $ brew install make
    ==> Fetching dependencies for make
    ==> Fetching make
    ==> Installing dependencies for make
    ==> Installing make
    $ brew install act
    ==> Fetching dependencies for act
    ==> Fetching act
    ==> Installing dependencies for act
    ==> Installing act
    $ brew install protobuf
    ==> Fetching dependencies for protobuf
    ==> Fetching protobuf
    ==> Installing dependencies for protobuf
    ==> Installing protobuf
    $ make init-generators
    go: downloading v0.0.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0
    $ make init-checkers
    go: downloading v0.0.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0
  • 3️⃣ (Optional) Ensure that you can access private dependencies

    You need to get a Personal Access Token from your GitHub account in order to download private dependencies.

    To get these, visit and create a new token with the read:packages scope.

    Then, you need to create or edit the .netrc file in your home directory with the following content:

    machine login <your-github-username> password <your-github-access-token>
  • 4️⃣ Download required modules for the project

    $ make dep
  • 5️⃣ (Optional) Check installation via pre-commit scripts

    $ pre-commit run --all-files


Running the project

Before running any command, please make sure that you have configured your environment regarding your own settings first. You may found the related entries that can be configured in .env file.

$ make run
02:27:53.026 INFO adding datasource connection {"name":"default","dialect":"postgres"}
02:27:53.563 INFO successfully added datasource connection {"name":"default"}
02:27:53.563 INFO Starting service {"name":"sample","environment":"development","features":{"Dummy":true}}
02:27:53.564 INFO HttpService is starting... {"addr":":8080"}

Running the project (with hot-reloading development mode)

$ make dev

Testing the project

$ make test

Development (with Docker Compose)

# first start freshly built containers in background (daemon mode)
$ make container-start

# then launch watch mode to reflect changes on time
$ make container-dev


  • Create a new branch for your feature
  • Make your changes
  • Test your changes (see Execution below)
  • Commit your changes
  • Push your changes to your branch
  • Create a pull request to the main branch
  • Wait for review and merge
  • Delete your branch

More Information

This project is bootstrapped from See the source repository for further details.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.


Go Boilerplate provides a robust foundation that is always ready to be open-sourced




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