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Text Boxes

erumi321 edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 5 revisions


To create a new Textbox call:

	local myTextBox = ErumiUILib.Textbox.CreateTextbox(screen, {
		Name = "Keyboard1",
		Group = "Combat_Menu",
		X = 900,
		Y = 500,
		Scale = {X = 1, Y = 0.44},
		BackgroundColor = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1},
		TextStyle = {
			FontSize = 10,
			Color = {0.988, 0.792, 0.247, 1},
			Width = 470,
			Justification = "Left",
			Offset = {X = -235, Y = -60},
		ValidityStyle = {
			FontSize = 7,
			Colors = {
				Unknown = {0.988, 0.792, 0.247, 1},
				Valid = {1,1,1,1},
				Invalid = {1,0,0,1},
			Width = 470,
			Justification = "Left",
			Offset = {X = -235, Y = -90},
		CheckValidOnUpdate = true,
		CheckFunc = function(text)
			if RandomChance( 0.5 ) then
				return true, "This isn't even shown"	
				return nil, "The input you have entered is incorrect. Please reassess your (life)choices"
        ShowCursor = true,
		CursorColor = {1,0,0,1},
		CursorSpacing = 10,
		OnFocus = function (textbox)
        MaxLength = 7,

This will create a new Textbox and myTextbox will be the object that is created.

Field Name Type Description
Name String The name of the Textbox having a unique name is better
Group String The group of UI elements that the new UI elements will be created in
X Int The X position of the base of the textbox
Y Int The Y position of the base of the textbox
StartingText String The text that starts in the textbox
Scale Table(ints only) The scale of the base of the textbox, X is the X scale, and Y is the Y scale
BackgroundColor Color The color of the background of the textbox
TextStyle Table(see below) The formatting for the text inside the textbox
ValidityStyle Table (same as text style but with 3 colors) The formatting for the validity message(see info below)
CheckValidOnUpdate bool If true runs check every time the Textfield is updated
CheckFunc Function The function run when the Textfield checks the internal text
ShowCursor Bool The default value for showing a cursor or not, true show the cursor, false don't
CursorColor Color The color of the cursor
CursorSpacing Int The space from one character to the cursor
OnFocus Function(textbox object) Runs the function when the textbox is clicked on, is passed the textbox object that is being clicked on
MaxLength Int The max amount of characters allowed in the textbox, if nil defaults to 999999


Field Name Type Description
FontSize Int The size of the font inside the textbox
Color Color The color of the text
Width Int The width of the textbox displaying the text inside the input field
Justification Justification Left, Center, or Right like normal justifications
Offset Table(ints only) The offset of the text from the center of the textbox


Used so modders can check if the string format is valid when input into the textbox. CheckValidity can be used to manually activate this (through a button) or CheckValidOnUpdate will check the validity every time the Textfield is updated. CheckFunc must always return like so:

return state, message

state must either be true or nil. If true then the textbox is considered valid (and a variable .isValid in the textbox object will be set to true). This will hide the validity text, message is disregarded in this case. If nil then the textbox will be considered invalid(and a variable .isValid in the textbox object will be set to false). When invalid the validity textbox will appear (using the ValidityStyle table). Its color will be the invalid color in the validity style. If message is not nil the validity style textbox will display the message (meanign if it is nil nothing will appear but an internal bool will still be set). If CheckFunc is nil then .isValid will be set to nil as well (showing unchecked). The validity textbox will also disappear.

Textbox Functions

To call any function type ErumiUILib.Textbox.FunctionName(Arguments)

Function Name Arguments Description
Update Textfield Object, string Sets the textbox's current text to the string (Will not update the cursor position)
Write Textfield Object, string Inserts the string into the textbox's text at the cursor position
Delete Textfield Object, Int Deletes the number of characters equal to the passed in int starting from the cursor and going left
SetCursorPosition Textfield Object, int Sets the Textbox's cursor position to the passed in int
GetText Textfield Object returns a string of the textbox's current text
SetText Textfield Object, string Sets the passd in textbox's text to the passed in string and sets the cursor position to the end
ShowCursor Textfield Object, bool Shows or hides cursor depending on bool ,if true show cursor, if false don't show cursor
Destroy A Textfield Object Destroys the Textfield and all children components
CheckValidity A Textfield Object Runs CheckFunc then modifies the validity text accordingly
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