This is sabotage, an experimental distribution based on musl libc and busybox.
Currently sabotage supports i386 and x86_64, MIPS, PowerPC32 and ARM(v4t+).
The prefered way to build sabotage is using a native linux environment for the desired architecture; however it is now also possible to cross-compile large parts of it. as cross-compiling is very hairy and support for it is quite new in sabotage, breakage is to be expected. Native builds though are well tested and can be considered very stable.
- ~4G free disk space
- root access, or a linux 3.8+ host kernel with USER_NS support (only for native build)
- usual GCC 4 toolchain
- git
- lots of time and a fair bit of Linux knowledge
- latest musl-cross for your target arch
- latest butch >= 0.4.0 installed and compiled for the build host in $PATH
- pkgconf symlinked as pkg-config in PATH (before other pkg-config versions)
- anything that is listed in sections in the packages you build, installed on your host. optimal (and only tested configuration) is to build from a sabotage host (rootfs) that has all the same packages installed that you want to compile.
This system has been built natively on Debian 6.0 and 7.0, Ubuntu 13.04, Suse 11.4, aboriginal 1.1 and 1.2, and Fedora 19 systems.
You can bootstrap your own build from the scripts at
or use a ready-to-boot disk image either for qemu, vbox or to extract the rootfs, to be found at:
- DE :
- GR :
- UK :
the DE mirror is the master from which the other mirrors are synced after some hours.
sha512 checksums for the releases are announced on the sabotage and musl mailinglists, and are archived here:
cp KEEP/config.stage0 config
vi config
set SABOTAGE_BUILDDIR, A, and MAKE_THREADS variables. if you have an appropriate kernel and no root privs, set SUPER. the other values can be left as-is usually.
NOTE: it is possible to build i386 sabotage from within an existing 32bit chroot on a 64bit sys, however you need to "impersonate" a 32bit sys (this means uname has to lie and report a 32bit sys) using the linux32 command. the enter-chroot script will try to detect this scenario automatically and builds an embedded version (KEEP/linux32.c) if linux32 is not alread installed.
./build-stage 0 # build toolchain
# ~2min on an AMD FX 8core, 75min on ARM Cortex A8 800Mhz
./enter-chroot # enter $R chrooted, needs root password or SUPER, see above
cd /src
vi config # set your MAKE_THREADS, etc
butch install stage1
and after that, feel free to install optional packages: you can look at what's available using 'ls /src/pkg'
if you want the default kernel (otherwise you have to build it yourself)
butch install kernel
butch install core # installs a sane subset needed for a developer base system
butch install xorg # install everything needed to get xfbdev
butch install pkg # installs additional things, such as file, git, gdb ...
butch install world #installs almost everything
Run "butch" and look at the usage information it outputs for further options.
butch uses build templates that allow a high level of customization. in case you're interested, take a look at KEEP/butch_template_configure_cached.txt to see how it works. this is the base template used by sabotage, which is responsible for things like providing a tuned config.cache for faster configure runs, installing packages into a custom directory in /opt, creation of filelists, etc.
cp KEEP/config.cross .
vi config.cross #set your vars
A=microblaze CONFIG=./config.cross utils/setup-rootfs #initialize rootfs
A=microblaze CONFIG=./config.cross butch install nano #start building stuff
when you're done compiling, exit the chroot and
- either use the rootfs directly (by copying it to some disk)
- use utils/ to boot the system directly in qemu. running the rootfs directly in qemu has pretty poor hdd performance, because the FS is mounted via 9P network, so it's not recommended to build packages, but it's practical for testing.
- use utils/ to create an image file. the image file can be directly booted in qemu. to convert it into virtual box format use "VBoxManage convertfromraw".
The default root password is "sabotage".
the sshd service can be started using "sv u sshd" (will create keys automatically on first use). to make the service autostart on boot, remove /etc/service/sshd/down.
check and edit /etc/rc.local for other things to autostart, such as network config, dhcp, linux console keymap...
if you have X installed, you want to edit /bin/X for the correct evdev settings (see examples provided in there), then run "startx". also check /etc/xinitrc for X11 keyboard config.
if you want to add packages, start from KEEP/pkg_skel/autoconf template.
cp KEEP/pkg_skel/autoconf pkg/my_new_pkg
that'll spit out the filesize, sha512sum boilerplate for easy copy&paste.
please do not use HTTPS or FTP mirrors. HTTPS is unsupported by busybox wget, and FTP is a broken, ancient protocol which needs a second data connection (i.e. open port on the client).
this can cause problems when behind a NAT router or socks proxy. Downloads from git or other source repositories are not desired, because that would introduce a build-time dependency on an internet connection.
sabotage is designed so you can download all packages in advance when you have internet connection, and then build everything offline.
please use unified diff format (diff -u) for patches.
since sabotage ships all tarballs when an ISO or HD image is distributed (to fulfill the GPL), space considerations are a top issue. so if available, ALWAYS USE a TAR.XZ (preferred) or TAR.BZ2 download URL.
it is necessary that you create git branches for your work: this allows me to checkout your changes and rebase as i see fit, and you can easily pull back into your master without getting merge conflicts.
do not commit more than one change/package in a single commit, as it makes it much more work than needed to pick the good commits and leave away bad ones. use a meaningful commit message that mentions the package name.
There is a mailinglist:, mail and follow instructions to get on it.
Archives are at .
You can also /join #sabotage or #musl on for realtime help.
donations in bitcoins are welcome and can be sent to
1HXhSKSyBUGAAga29WbpTkKGpruQq9J8Bb .