3 desktops (1 with nvidia card) and 1 laptop will be set with these configs
Plasma as default desktop.
Use the plasma iso from Nixos - install it with calamares.
Open up your Documents folder and open a terminal there and type:
nix-env -i git
This will install git. It might take a while to install it. Be patient.
Then you get this github project via this command in the same terminal:
git clone https://github.com/erikdubois/nixos-configurations
My pcs got a name because of this project.
Keep the name or change it anywhere and everywhere.
My username and keyboard setup (Belgium - Azerty) are also in my configs. So change them.
Some are with nvidia - others are just intel.
The dotfiles folder contain all the desktops we can install. Code is coming from ArcoLinux - then we adapt it to work on NixOS.
We use the same dotfiles on all pcs.
chadwm - not working
dusk - not working
others ... see images
I have created separate desktops file in the folder Desktops.
If we remove the "#" in the configuration.nix file it will be installed.
This is a personal project.
We call it sidetracking.
You always learn something from switching distros.
More info in our videos
TIP 1: your scripts always start with this shebang
#!/usr/bin/env bash
TIP 2: your desktops name is not bspwm for example but none+bspwm - that matters in variety, polybars and wherever you make references to the ENV variables
TIP 3: Use syntax editing for the nix language in sublime-text or visual studio code - you will make less mistakes
All the possible desktops on NixOS : https://mynixos.com/options/services.xserver.desktopManager
All the possible twms on NixOS : https://mynixos.com/options/services.xserver.windowManager