System information
Erigon version: 3.00.0-alpha7-34714c0c
OS & Version: Linux
Commit hash: 34714c0
Erigon Command (with flags/config):
erigon --datadir ./data --prune.mode archive --http.api=eth,erigon,web3,net,debug,trace,txpool --caplin.archive --diagnostics.disabled --nat none --private.api.addr "" --beacon.api beacon,builder,config,debug,events,node,validator,lighthouse --beacon.api.port 3500 --http.port 8545 --ws --ws.port 8546 --authrpc.port 8551 --torrent.port 20202 --port 30303 --p2p.protocol 68 --p2p.allowed-ports 30303 --caplin.discovery.tcpport 40404 --caplin.discovery.port 40404 --sentinel.port 50505 --rpc.batch.limit 50000 8 --rpc.returndata.limit 100000000000
Consensus Layer: builtin caplin
Consensus Layer Command (with flags/config): no other config specified than in the erigon commandline
Chain/Network: ethereum mainnet
Expected behaviour
Erigon and caplin should be able to sync up from scratch with empty datadir.
Actual behaviour
Everything works up to the very end, where it fails with this:
[INFO] [12-23|12:16:11.849] [Caplin] Forward Sync app=caplin stage=ForwardSync progress=10677273 distance-from-chain-tip=8m12s estimated-time-remaining=999h0m0s
[WARN] [12-23|12:16:14.075] [Caplin] Failed to process block batch app=caplin stage=ForwardSync err="bad blocks segment received: AddChainSegment: processBlock: failed to process block body operations: outstanding deposits do not match m
aximum deposits, parentRoot; 83931c1467c16826a4f50740b03bbd00abe0eb0e3f808a907393d438577a0599"
The last WARN is spammed into the logs, and the sync never finishes, on the caplin RPC port, caplin reports that it is not synced.
Steps to reproduce the behaviour
Download alpha7, create new empty datadir, start erigon with the provided options.
No crash.