This repo is inspired by [Angular Express Seed] (
I could not find a single example application that worked fine with oauth. I always wanted a setup with angular, server side ( rails or node! ) exposing api's with oauth for authentication and any nosql db. I couldnt find any so I started writing my own. This would be my ideal setup for a project as well. Eventually I plan to expand this setup to include all the technologies I mentioned above.
Start an awesome app with AngularJS on the front, Express + Node on the back. This project is an application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app for those who want to use Node to serve their app.
The seed app shows how to wire together Angular client-side components with Express on the server and have OAuth setup, so that you dont have to worry about authentication of your user.
##Note :
Unlike Angular Express Seed this project uses html itself as the templating engine which I personally find more comfortable.
Clone the express-angular repository
You might need to download some node modules
npm install
Set the following environment variables if using Twitter authentication. These defaults are from the everyauth module, but you should get your own at Twitter's Developer site
Runs like a typical express app:
node app.js
Or you can run it this way to automatically reload any changes you make
nodemon app.js