A Python static site blog generated with Pelican and hosted with Cloudflare Pages.
Lo-fi (also typeset as lofi or low-fi; short for low fidelity) is a music or production quality in which elements usually regarded as imperfections in the context of a recording or performance are present, sometimes as a deliberate choice. Wikipedia
LofiPython.com is my technical writing blog. It is usually Python oriented but also covers general programming topics. The "content" folder contains all of the posts in reStructuredText format. The "exports" folder also contains the Wordpress importer script I used to convert the posts from my Wordpress blog.
You can read more about my blog workflow in my post, "An Example Pelican + Git Blog Post Workflow". This static site is hosted for free on Cloudflare Pages. If you want to launch your own Pelican blog with Cloudflare Pages, check out my post, "Launching a Live Static Blog".
Uses the "Blue-Penguin-Dark" theme:
git clone git@github.com:tcarwash/blue-penguin-dark.git
A Guide to Make JSON API Requests With Python
Adding City Name Autocomplete to a Django Form With jQuery + AJAX
8 Promising Python Static Site Generators
Lo-fi Python aims to find the "lo-fi" spirit of Python. Doing more with less. Favoring the standard library. Lowest possible time to MVP (minimum viable product). Learning new libraries. Exploring the ecosystem with playful curiosity. Embrace helping others by helping yourself. This is the way.