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A host with a working Ansible installation is required. Read this:

For Debian 9+

apt-get install ansible

Clone this repo:

git clone

Environment Initialization

Initializing the ansible environment is required before any other playbooks can be executed. Change into the equpress directory, create the inventory file and then run the init playbook:

cd eqpress 
touch hosts
vi hosts (add your target hosts including localhost)

Example inventory

localhost ansible_connection=local





Play to run

ansible-playbook -i hosts play-init-env.yml -v

The following settings can be specified. Accepting the defaults are enough to configure the environment so the other playbooks will work but making them unique to your environment is best.

SSL/TLS certificate attributes are required to generate the self-signed certificates used for MySQL replication.

  • Enter organization name
  • Root certificate country
  • Root certificate state/province
  • Root certificate city
  • Root certificate orginazational unit
  • Root certificate common name
  • Root certificate email address

Mandrill and Sendgrid are email delivery services offering free accounts for moderate levels of email traffic. These are not required but recommended for reliable email delivery.

  • Mandrill username - Sign up for an account here. Free plan allows 12,000 sent emails per month.
  • Mandrill password
  • Sendgrid username - Sign up for a free account here. Free plan allows 400 sent emails per day.
  • Sendgrid password
  • Default email service
  • Monitoring email address - Where all alerts are sent to.
  • Timezone
  • Use DNS lookup for host IP assignment - y or n

"y" if you want to use dns lookup for IP and "n" to use ansible gathered facts for IP

Note: If your VM or server has a private interal IP address and a network server supplies your public IP address (floating IP), choose "y" or your IP addresses will be the private addresses and in most cases will not work.

Server Configuration Initialization

To build a redundant pair of servers there are some ansible variables that need to be set for the playbooks to work. Run the initialization playbook to create the group and host variables:

ansible-playbook -i hosts play-init-servers.yml -v

The following settings must be specified:

  • Nginx worker processes - Should equal c - 2 where c is number of CPU cores. If c is < 4 then worker procs should equal 2 .
  • PHP-FPM max children - default is typically fine
  • PHP-FPM start servers - default is typically fine
  • PHP-FPM min spare - default is typically fine
  • PHP-FPM max spare - default is typically fine
  • PHP-FPM max requests - default prevents processes from eating too much RAM. Increase to 64 if server is very busy.
  • PHP-FPM opcache memory size - increase default if more than 20 sites are hosted on the same server
  • MySQL root user password - click here for long random strings
  • MySQL InnoDB buffer pool size - default good for servers with RAM <= 1GB. Set to 1536M for servers with 4GB RAM. Don't forget the K, M or G after the number
  • MySQL InnoDB log file size - default is fine for servers < 4GB RAM
  • **MySQL replication user password - click here for long random strings
  • MySQL Admin user password - mysqladmin user has process rights for monitoring replication status. click here for long random strings
  • MySQL webstats user password - webstats user writes to webstats DB to store HTTP access log data. click here for long random strings
  • MySQL Server ID for master - must be unique, don't accept the default
  • MySQL Server ID for slave - must be unique, don't accept the default
  • Master server hostname - using a fully qualified domain name is best.
  • Slave server hostname - using a fully qualified domain name is best.
  • Ansible group name - the group that these hosts will be uniquely identified by within the hosts file and variables stored in a file in the group_vars directory

Building a Replicated Pair of Servers

Minimum Requirements

Managed Nodes
  • The servers that will be used for creating the replicated pair must be running Debian 7 (Wheezy).
  • The debian packages python and python-simplejson must be installed for ansible to work.

Play to run

ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -l eqwp

When the servers are ready for production then it's time to deploy the cron jobs

ansible-playbook -i hosts play-go-live.yml -u root -l eqwp

Manual Host and Group Configuration

You can build the host and group files manually instead of running the play-init-servers.yml playbook. Create an alias in the ansible hosts file with the names of the new server pairs below:


Create a group YAML file in the group_vars directory (copy an existing one). Name the group file the same as the alias entered in the ansible hosts file:


Edit this new group file and minimally change the following variables:

mysql_repl_creds: password
mysql_admin_user: password
mysql_webstats: password

Create a host YAML file in the host_vars directory (copy an existing primary and replica). Name the host files the same as what was entered in the ansible hosts file:


Edit these new host files and minmally change the following variables:


Ansible Plays

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -l eqpress-test

When the servers are ready for production then it's time to deploy the cron jobs

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts play-go-live.yml -u root -l eqpress-test

Common Failures and Remedies

  • MySQL fails to start
    1. Check if mysql is running on the host
    2. Re-run the play using the mysql or slaveon tag
      ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -l eqpress-test --tags slaveon
      ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -l eqpress-test --tags mysql

Role based updates

Update nginx and php-fpm config

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -l eph --tags="nginx,php"


Deploy changes to the easyPress Console must-use plugin and proxy code

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -v -l production --tags console

Deploy easyPress console must-use plugin to all sites

  • ansible -i hosts masters -m command -a "/usr/local/sbin/ all" -u root

Testing New Console Code

ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -l --tags console && ansible -i hosts -m command -a "/usr/local/sbin/" -u root

Add or Update System Users

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -l production --tags users
  • ansible-playbook -i hosts play-add-user.yml -u root -l

Update nginx configs

All configs and reload nginx

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts play-fullstack.yml -u root -l masters --tags nginx_config

WordPress and plugin updates

Update a specific plugin on all master servers

  • ansible -i hosts masters -m command -a "/usr/local/sbin/ wordpress-seo" -u root -v

###Auto-Provision Documentation