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[SUSPENDED]: R package to compare epidemic scenario model outcomes.


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scenarios: Compare epidemic scenarios

License: MIT R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage Project Status: Suspended – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; work has been stopped for the time being but the author(s) intend on resuming work. CRAN status

scenarios was intended to provide functions to compare the outcomes of epidemic modelling simulations.

The development of scenarios has been suspended in favour of increased scenario modelling and comparison functionality coming to the epidemics package. Development may resume once a use case for a separate comparison package is clearer.


You can install the development version of scenarios from GitHub with:

if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

Quick start

The examples below show the existing functionality; this is not currently planned to be developed further.

An example with finalsize

Define an epidemic model scenario by creating a new scenario object. The standard workflow needs a model function, such as finalsize::final_size(), and appropriate arguments to the function.

# load scenarios

# create a scenario for pandemic-potential influenza
# with finalsize::final_size() as the model function
scenario_pandemic_flu <- scenario(
  model_function = "finalsize::final_size",
  parameters = make_parameters_finalsize_UK(), # a helper function
  replicates = 3

View a summary of the scenario.

#> Epidemic scenario object
#>  Scenario name: No name specified (NA)
#>  Model function: finalsize::final_size
#>  Extra information on: 
#>  Scenario replicates: 3
#>  Scenario outcomes are not prepared

The scenario object is created but the model function is not initially run. This can be checked using a helper function. Tip: Many helper functions have the prefix sce_ to help them be found quickly when using autocomplete in various text editors and IDEs.

# check whether the scenario data have been generated
#> [1] FALSE

Model outcome data can be generated by running the model function with the parameters specified in the scenario.

scenario_pandemic_flu <- run_scenario(scenario_pandemic_flu)

Take a peek at the column names in the model outcome replicates.

#>       demo_grp       susc_grp susceptibility     p_infected      replicate 
#>    "character"    "character"      "numeric"      "numeric"      "integer"

Get the outcomes from all replicates as a single dataset, or aggregate an outcome variable of interest across replicates by some grouping variable.

# get all output
#>    demo_grp   susc_grp susceptibility p_infected replicate
#>      <char>     <char>          <num>      <num>     <int>
#> 1:   [0,20) susc_grp_1              1  0.6544866         1
#> 2:  [20,40) susc_grp_1              1  0.5750030         1
#> 3:      40+ susc_grp_1              1  0.4588871         1
#> 4:   [0,20) susc_grp_1              1  0.6544866         2
#> 5:  [20,40) susc_grp_1              1  0.5750030         2
#> 6:      40+ susc_grp_1              1  0.4588871         2

# aggregate proportion infected by demographic group
# NOTE that all replicates have the same outcome in this deterministic model
  x = scenario_pandemic_flu,
  grouping_variables = c("demo_grp"),
  measure_variables = c("p_infected"),
  summary_functions = c("mean", "min", "max")
#> Key: <demo_grp>
#>    demo_grp p_infected_mean p_infected_min p_infected_max
#>      <char>           <num>          <num>          <num>
#> 1:      40+       0.4588871      0.4588871      0.4588871
#> 2:   [0,20)       0.6544866      0.6544866      0.6544866
#> 3:  [20,40)       0.5750030      0.5750030      0.5750030

An example with epidemics

This example shows the same workflow applied to a simple, deterministic epidemic model from the epidemics package.

# create a new scenario
scenario_sir <- scenario(
  model_function = "epidemics::sir_desolve",
  parameters = make_parameters_SIR_epidemic(), # a helper function
  replicates = 5L

# view the initial conditions and infection parameters
sce_get_information(scenario_sir, which = c("init", "parms"))
#> $init
#>    S    I    R 
#> 0.99 0.01 0.00 
#> $parms
#>  beta gamma 
#>   1.0   0.1

# generate scenario outcomes by running the model
scenario_sir <- run_scenario(scenario_sir)

# peek at the outcomes
#>       time      state proportion  replicate 
#>  "numeric"   "factor"  "numeric"  "integer"

# view the aggregated outcomes
# this is the per-timestep, per-class (S, I, R) mean proportion
# and is the same across replicates in this deterministic model
    grouping_variables = c("time", "state"),
    measure_variables = "proportion",
    summary_functions = "mean"
#> Key: <time, state>
#>     time  state proportion_mean
#>    <num> <fctr>           <num>
#> 1:    99      S    4.501519e-05
#> 2:    99      I    8.643038e-05
#> 3:    99      R    9.998686e-01
#> 4:   100      S    4.501149e-05
#> 5:   100      I    7.820928e-05
#> 6:   100      R    9.998768e-01


To report a bug please open an issue; please note that development on scenarios has been suspended.


Development on scenarios has been suspended.

However, use cases or requirements for a package that helps compare outcomes of epidemic scenario models are very welcome as issues, or on the main Epiverse Discussion board.

Please follow the package contributing guide.

Code of conduct

Please note that the scenarios project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


[SUSPENDED]: R package to compare epidemic scenario model outcomes.




Unknown, MIT licenses found

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