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/ MMM-COVID-19 Public archive

MM module for current COVID-19 virus status.


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MM module for current COVID-19 virus status. (Will be deprecated, use alternative)


  • When I created this module, there was no COVID-19 related modules, so I made it by myself. This module consumes data from the FIRST original root source from Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE) But JHU CCSE changes its data format too often and without notice, so this module is not stable. (I'm very disappointed about JHU CCSS data management)

And at this moment, there are at least two working COVID-19 related modules in MagicMirror. So I'll quit supporting this module. Use alternatives.

Sorry, and thank you for things.


This data is derived from Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE)

At this moment(Mar. 22.) US and France don't provide recovered data any more. I'm not sure it will be fixed or not.


New Updates

2.1.1 (2020-03-22)

  • Fixed: Minor fix for safe initialization for regions which has no data.
  • Added: thousands separator for numbers


cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
npm install



  module: "MMM-COVID-19",
  header: "COVID-19",
  position: "top_left",

Detailed & Default

These values are set as default, you don't need to copy all of these. Just pick what you need only and add it into your config:{}

config: {
  scanInterval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3,
  rotateInterval: 1000 * 5, // 0 means no rotate
  pinned: ["World", "China Total"],
  myPosition: null,
  //myPosition: {latitude:50.0836, longitude:8.4694, metric:"km",}, //or null. // reserved for later.
  reportTimeFormat: "YYYY.MM.DD hh a",
  drawGraph: true,
  logTerritory: true,
  thousandsSeparator: "",
  • debug : true or false. To log details.
  • scanInterval : ms. Original data is updated once per day. So too frequent scanning is not needed.
  • rotateInterval : ms. Interval for rotating region infected.
  • pinned : Array of pinned regions. If not null, your next slots will show pinned regions. See territory name section.
  • myPosition : Object({...}) or null. You can set myPosition to get the distance to the region.
myPosition: {
  latitude: 50.0836,
  longitude: 8.4694,
  metric: "km", // or `mile`
  • reportTimeFormat : By example YYYY.MM.DD h a will show "2020.03.04 9 am"
  • drawGraph : true for draw graph. false for not. If you feel some CPU burden, set this to false.
  • logTerritory : true for log territory name. Sometimes Original data source format is changed. So, will log in every scan time.
  • thousandsSeparator : By default, none. If you set ,, 123456 will be displayed like 123,456

Territory naming rule (since 2020.03.16)

  1. You can get name from log with logTerritory:true option.
  2. Normal countries like Vietnam : Just use "Vietnam". But some country name is changed. (e.g: "South Korea" => "Korea, South")
  3. Some countries can have provinces. And the rule is very.... WEIRD. For example, "United Kingdom" has 3 provinces(or colonies) reported at this moment.(2020.03.16)
  • 'Channel Islands, United Kingdom' : If you want to get Channel Islands data, use this.
  • 'Gibraltar, United Kingdom'
  • 'United Kingdom' : This is for MAINLAND of United Kingdom, not total of UK territories.
  • 'United Kingdom Total' : So, If you want to display total UK, use the name 'United Kingdom Total'
  • 'Guernsey' : But Guernsey is not categorized as UK at this moment. Is it an independent state? I don't know. Maybe someday this will be included to UK data. At that time, United Kingdom Total will accumulate Guernsey data also.
  1. France and Denmark are the same cases. 'France' means Mainland of France. 'France Total' is sum of all France territories.
  2. But, US, Canada, China, Australia, Cruise Shiphas no MAINLAND. To show summary, use 'US Total' or 'Canada Total', ...
  3. Hong Kong and Macau are included into China. So use "Hong Kong, China".
  4. Cruise Ship is new born country!!! Use 'Cruise Ship Total' or 'Diamond Princess, Cruise Ship'
  5. To get total of world, use 'World'.
pinned: [
  "US Total",
  "District of Columbia, US"

If you think too high CPU Used and thermal issue

I've refactored to reduce CPU and memory usage. But if you still feel some issues,

  • Not too often scan. Set scanInterval long enough. Original data would be updated once per day. So I think 6 hours or 12 hours are enough.
  • Not too often rotate. Set rotateInterval long enough. I think 5 sec is enough, but if you want, set it long.
  • Disable rotate animation. In your css/custom.css add this.
.covid .item.rotate {
  animation-name: none;
  • Disable drawGraph. Set it false

Deprecated options

I think this would be overspec. So I removed.

  • detailProvice
  • logProvinceCountry
  • logOnce
  • sortOrder


2.1.0 (2020-03-16)

  • Whole refactored. (Orignial source format is changed.)
  • Changed: the territory name rule is changed. (See configuration section)
  • Changed: reduction of CPU usage (I hope. See note section also)
  • added: drawGraph option to show graph or not.
  • added: logTerritory option to log territory names.

2.0.0 (2020-03-04)

  • Whole new build. (npm install is needed to update)
  • Removed: depedency of external API. Data is derived from original source directly.
  • Removed: some overspec config options.
  • Added: past 7-days bar graph.
  • Added: new confirmed, new deaths, new recovered of 1 day before (... of update date)
  • Added : info section, last reported time, distance from me.
  • Changed : multi pinned. pin key format changed.
  • Chagned : more controllable by CSS.

Don't Panic! This is not Z-Virus...


MM module for current COVID-19 virus status.







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