GitLab CI Demo: Asciidoc Report
The main report uses the Asciidoc syntax generator. It is a convenient tool allowing to write documentation in raw text files, and convert them to HTML or PDF later on.
Visit Asciidoctor @ GitHub for more informations. The AsciiDoc Recommanded Practices is also recommanded.
To generate a HTML version, first install asciidoctor package on your Linux distribution, then issue following command:
$ asciidoctor analyse.adoc
The analyse.html is generated in the current directory.
Asciidoctor provides a native PDF renderer for Asciidoc. Still in alpha, but worth the try. Please follow the instructions on the official documentation to install it, then issue following command:
$ asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-stylesdir=resources -n -a pdf-style=sfl analyse.adoc
The analyse.pdf file shall be created in the current directory.