A social media movie website written with Go programming language using TMDB API.
- Movie List: View the most popular, latest, and category-wise movies.
- Movie Details: Discover detailed information about selected movies.
- User Profiles: Users can save the movies they watch and customize their profile pages.
- Real-time Messaging: Connect with other users through real-time chat functionality.
- Multilingual Support: Users can choose and use the language they want. (For now, TR and ENG)
- Logging System: Basic logging to track important events.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/enesbuyuk/movder.git cd movder
Install dependencies:
go mod tidy
Enter your data for you in
. (Note:tmdbApiLink
value must be empty.){ "dbhost" : "DB_HOST", "dbport" : "DB_PORT", "dbname" : "DB_NAME", "dbuser" : "DB_USER" , "dbpassword" : "DB_PASSWORD", "tmdbapikey" : "TMDB_APIKEY", "tmdbApiLink" : "", "port" : ":80", "domain" : " YOUR_DOMAIN", "siteurl" : "https://YOUR_DOMAIN/", "sessionkey" : "YOUR_SESSION_KEY", "sessinname" : "YOUR_SESSION_NAME", "titlelastpart" : " | MOVDER", "titlehome" : "MOVDER", "metadescription" : "This is description.", "metakeywords" : "movie, movies, series, film, imdb, tmdb, movie social media, social media, tv, tv show, movies social media" }
Create database like in
: -
Start or compile the application:
go build main.go; ./main
go run main.go
- Use GitHub Issues to report bugs or make suggestions.
- Feel free to submit pull requests for code improvements.