- History of who you've sent points to, along with their steam ID and how many points were sent
- Bots list that also shows how much points you have on each account
- One click adding of currently logged in account
- Theme compatability to make it look better
- Profile, Review, Screenshot, and Artwork awarding for more chances to award
- Easy to install with tampermonkey
//most awards per points (good for leveling/if the person has an excessive amount of awardable items)
//var pointType = "cheap";
//most points per awards (good for low awardable type accounts)
var pointType = "expensive";
- Just swap the enabled ones, will eventually get a button to swap just dont have enough time to fully integrate it rn.
- Add theming capabilities
- Add header
- Easy account adding
- Bulk account importation
- Asyncronous awarding between multiple accounts
- Video, guide, and workshop awarding surfaces
- A dropdown to toggle between cheap and expensive point types
- Steam Deck Plugin Manager Compatibility (IDK which one im going to go with)
- Button to swap between all awards or just the cheapest awards (cheapest awards are typically used when leveling someone else)
- More coming soon...