The mapping to local Variable seems of by a few Bytes.
See screenshot for an example. In this screenshot, the method being called was passed a key code (Commodore F, which equals 187 or 0xee). As seen in the screenshot, the character code in pressedKey
is actually stored in the C stack at $cffb
while the debugger assumes it to be at $cff9
Also, what I noticed is, that the debugger does not pick up local variables which have been defined in nested scopes. Could this be the also the reason for the offsets in the local variable address lookup?
Unfortunately, I don't have a small repo, at least not yet. I am trying to find more time for putting together a simple repro scenario.
This is VSCode, latest version:
This is Vice version 3.6.1, and I am using the internal version of CC65.
OS is Windows 11.