- u19025492 - Miss. Yashvitha Kanaparthy
- u20665777 - Mr. Tiyego Khoza (Owner)
- u20776340 - Mr. Mishaelin Naidoo
- u20543043 - Ms. Apinda Tekula
- u20450207 - Miss. Sovaria Naidu
Group project for COS 221 that is due in the 8th of June.
This is a list of items to complete
After you're done making whatever, do this- When you're doing a Task make sure to add your name in brackets at the end (mito)
- ~~Send over your files to this github respository Cancel changes
General overview and explanationTeam or single sport explained-ActionsLocation/Date/TimeSport structure e.g. federation/regions/teams/players
- Entities and Attributes
- Complex and Derived Attributes
- Relationships and cardinality
- Regular Entity Types
- Weak Entity Types
- 1:1 Relationships
- 1:N Relationships
- M:N Relationships
- Multivalued Attributes
- N-ary Realtionships
- Specialisation and Generalisation
- Unions
- Correctness
- Visual
- Primary, Secondary and Foreign keys
- Constraints
- Types and constraints (e.g. mullable, length) if applicable
- Checks on applicable fields
- Correctness
- Player Management
- Sport Heirarchy Management
- Media Management
- Score Management
- Statistics Query
- Explanation
- Script/Manual Data Entry
- Data
- Explanation
- Optimsation
- Interpretation
- Git usage
- Overall quality and impression