This is the home page for BAIT 509 at The University of British Columbia, displaying the 2019 iteration of the course. The syllabus can be found at sauder_syllabus.pdf, but anything listed in on this website will take precedence.
Github repository underpinning this website: vincenzocoia/BAIT509
By the end of the course, students should be expected to be able to:
- Explain what ML is, in the context of errors and model functions.
- Understand and implement the machine learning paradigms in both R and python for a variety of ML methods.
- Identify a data table based on a machine learning problem
- Understand the types of error, and how this influences model choice/goodness
- Build and justify a ML model.
- Understand how ML fits into the greater scope of solving a business problem
At your service!
Name | Position |
Vincenzo Coia | Instructor |
Hossameldin Mohammed | TA |
Emily Mistick | TA |
Arjun Baghela | TA |
Details about class meetings will appear here as they become available. Readings are optional, but should be useful.
# | Topic | Recommended Readings |
cm01; worksheet (.R) | Intro to the course, tools, and ML | ISLR Section 2.1 |
cm02; worksheet (.html / .Rmd) | Irreducible and Reducible Error | ISLR Section 2.2 (you can stop in 2.2.3 once you get to the "The Bayes Classifier" subsection). |
cm03; model fitting in python (.html / .ipynb); model fitting in R (.html / .Rmd) | Local methods | ISLR's "K-Nearest Neighbors" section (in Section 2.2.3) on page 39; and Section 7.6 ("Local Regression"). |
cm04; cross-validation example (.R) | Model Selection | ISLR Section 5.1; we'll be touching on 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 from ISLR, but only briefly. |
cm05; CART example (.R) | Classification and Regression Trees | ISLR Section 8.1 |
cm06; model function example (.R) | Refining business questions | This blog post by datapine does a good job motivating the problem of asking good questions. This blog post by altexsoft does a good job outlining the use of supervised learning in business. |
cm07; random forest example (.R) | Ensembles | ISLR Section 8.2 |
cm08; worksheet (.R) | Beyond the mean and mode | |
cm09 (worksheet a continuation of yesterday's) | SVM | Section 9.1, 9.2, 9.4 in ISLR. The details aren't all that important. 9.3 is quite advanced, but I'll be discussing the main idea behind it in class. |
cm10 SVM and cross validation worksheet (.ipynb) | SVM continuation; wrapup; alternatives to accuracy | Alternative measures, and ROC |
Want to talk about the course outside of lecture? Let's talk during these dedicated times.
Teaching Member | When | Where |
Arjun | Tuesdays (Jan 15 - Feb 5) 13:00-14:00 | ESB |
Vincenzo | Wednesdays (Jan 16 - Feb 6) 10:30-11:30 | ESB 3174 |
Emily | Wednesdays (Jan 16 - Feb 6) |
Hossam | Friday, January 11, 15:00-16:00 | ESB 1045 |
Hossam | Friday, January 18, 16:00-17:00 | ESB 1045 |
Hossam | Friday, January 25, 15:00-16:00 | ESB 3174 |
Hossam | Friday, February 1, 15:00-16:00 | ESB 1045 |
Links to assessments will be made available when they are ready. The deadlines listed here are the official ones, and take precendence over the ones listed in the sauder syllabus.
Assessment | Due | Weight |
Assignment 1 (.ipynb) | January |
20% |
Assignment 2 | January 26 at 18:00 | 20% |
Assignment 3 | February 2 at 18:00 | 20% |
Final Project | February 8 at 23:59 | 30% |
Participation | January 31 at 18:00 | 10% |
Please submit everything to UBC Canvas.
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning with R (aka ISLR).
- A very well-written book covering a lot of concepts in supervised learning.