This is not a framework. Just like React.
It lets one create Actions and Stores that are mounted/unmounted with a parent View.
npm install monican
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { View } from 'monican';
const ChildView = View({
displayName: 'YourChildView',
actionsUse: {
/// Action group
parentActions: {
/// Action name and the type of it's argument:
onClickSomething: PropTypes.any,
storesUse: {
/// Store name
parentStore: {
/// Store value name and its type:
clickCounter: PropTypes.number,
render() {
return (
<button onClick={ this.actions.parentActions.onClickSomething }>
Click me ({ this.props.parentStore.clickCounter })
const parentActions = {
onClickSomething: PropTypes.any,
const parentStore = {
getInitialState() {
return { clickCounter: 0 };
getActionHandlers() {
return {
parentActions: {
onClickSomething: this.onClickSomething,
onClickSomething(arg, { state }) {
return { clickCounter: state.clickCounter + 1 };
const ParentView = View({
displayName: 'YourParentView',
actionsCreate: {
parentActions: parentActions,
storesCreate: {
parentStore: parentStore,
render() {
return (
<h2>Parent view</h2>
'Button has been clicked: ' +
this.props.parentStore.clickCounter +
' times.'
const div = document.createElement('div');
render(<ParentView/>, div);
A Monican Conspiracy is MIT licensed.