This polyfill will allow the CSS Wizardry Grid to run in IE7.
This polyfill was heavily influenced and uses code modified from the box-sizing-polyfill.js project. More info about the box-sizing-polyfill plugin can be found at:
In order to get this to work in the CSSWizardyGrid you will need to modify the SASS code for the grid__item so that the display attribute uses an inline-block mixin to be able to approximate an inline-block display type in ie7.
Use your own inline block mixin or you can use the one I usually use which is as follows:
@mixin inline-block($minHeight: null) {
@if $minHeight != null {
*min-height: $minHeight;
_height: $minHeight;
Using the above mixin, you would rewrite the grid__item as follows:
@include inline-block; /* [1] */
padding-left:$gutter; /* [2] */
vertical-align:top; /* [3] */
@if $mobile-first == true{
width:100%; /* [4] */
-webkit-box-sizing:border-box; /* [5] */
-moz-box-sizing:border-box; /* [5] */
box-sizing:border-box; /* [5] */
@if $use-markup-fix != true{
To use this polyfill, you simply need to include the following on the page after the jQuery include:
<!--[if IE 7]>
<script type="text/javascript" src="csswizardy-grids-ie7-polyfill.js"></script>
Including this polyfill, along with updating the SASS for the display property of the grid__item using the inline-block mixin will add ie7 support to the CssWizardryGrid.