Welcome to everyone reading
What you will find in this repository
Here you find a collection of useful scripts to be used into Google Earth Engine (or any javascript IDE authenticated to Google Earth Engine API). In the "functions" folder, every script contains just a single function that does what his name says. In the "projects" folder you will find examples of how to use functions. For those of you already expert of programming languages, you can think at "projects" as a folder containing the MAIN scripts, while "functions" is the collection of a LIBRARY functions. Each element in the "functions" folder is a METHOD.
How to use them
They are thought to be imported using "exports" and "require" methods (see https://google-earth-engine.com/Advanced-Topics/Collaborating-in-Earth-Engine-with-Scripts-and-Assets/ for explanation). You can add them into your Google Earth Engine account in two ways:
- (LONG TERM RELEASE) just copy and paste the function you need to your script. For instance, if you want the clip function, you go in my GitHub folder "functions", look for "clip_img" and then copy and paste the content of function(){THIS CONTENT}. ATTENTION: do not stop reading here. Many functions require user's parameter (that depend on the project you are developing) that I have inserted as external objects in the "assets" folder. If you are using my code this way,
- (BETA VERSION) import the whole dataset into your Code Editor using the following link: https://code.earthengine.google.com/?accept_repo=users/emanuelespiritowork/SharedRepo. IMPORTANT: this link will be always updated at the latest version. If it does not work, it can be due to a temporary improvements I am making on the code. Be patient and wait until I finish working on it.