I love this package. Would it be possible to make it so that if I choose a prefix command from helm-descbinds, it'll close helm-descbinds and leave emacs in a state where it's waiting for the next key?
For example the scenario I'm imagining is:
- Press C-x
- Wait a bit, emacs shows "C-x -" at the bottom
- Press C-h to trigger helm-descbinds, choose C-x 4 which is a prefix command
- Descbinds should close and I should be back where I was
- After a bit, emacs shows "C-x 4 -" at the bottom
- I can press C-h again to trigger descbinds if necessary, now narrowing from the point of "C-x 4"
I saw which-key which looks pretty cool, and lets you do this (same with guide-key, which it's an improvement on AFAIK). I much prefer helm-descbinds though, by far, but this is the functionality I sorely miss.
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