This is a fork of I have not created the base of this package, all the credits for that goes to Yurihaia, but I know how to edit the package to support the newest commands and items and I will also add quality of life changes. My goal is to keep the package up to date with the latest snapshots.
- Syntax highlighting
- Autocomplete for commands and selectors
- Working autocomplete for irregular particles (minecraft:block, minecraft:dust, minecraft:item)
- Version switching (starting from 1.16)
- Actively updated lists for:
- Advancements
- Blocks
- Effects
- Enchantments
- Entities
- Items
- Loottables
- Particles
- Recipes
- Scoreboard objectives
- Sounds
This behavior is not a bug. It is a result of atom's token limit. You can increase the token limit with this pack.
But keep in mind increasing the token limit can impact performance.
That's because in 1.17 the /replaceitem command was replaced with the /item command. But you can change the version to 1.16 in the package settings in order to use the /replaceitem command again.