This application was created as part of a UT Full Stack Coding Bootcamp challenge. I modified starter code to create a professional README generator. The generator collects user input and creates a README markdown file including: description, license badge, installation, usage, license link, contributing, tests, and questions.
Watch a video demonstration of the basic functionality:
Check if you have Node.js installed by typing "node -v" in your command line. If node is not installed, visit the Node.js website to install. Next, clone this project repository to your computer. Use the command "npm install" to install dependecies.
Change directories to your new project folder in the terminal. Invoke the application by typing "node index.js" or by typing the script "npm start" in the terminal's command line. Refer back to the video posted in the description as needed.
Starter code was provided by Xander Rapstine (Xandromus) and Grace Choi (gachoi06).
License badges with links were provided by lukas-h.
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