A python library for generation of state-machine template Function Blocks for Siemens TIA-Portal.
This library makes it possible to start with the design documentation and generate the code from it. I always find that when I start with a rough outline (documentation) of what I want to do, the code usualy turns out better, this library is to support that kind of workflow.
- Design the state machine with
, that have a source state, destination state and transition name. - Verify that the generated state diagram reflects the desired behaviour.
- Generate Simatic-ML file and import into TIA
- Add your input/output signals and connect them to states or trigger transitions.
import graph2LAD
from graph2LAD import Event
events = [Event('INIT','GOTO_HOME','init to home'),
Event('GOTO_HOME','AT_HOME_POS','Reached home pos'),
Event('AT_HOME_POS','LOADING','Start loading'),
Event('LOADING','WORKING','Loading completed'),
Event('WORKING','UNLOADING','Work complete'),
Event('UNLOADING','AT_HOME_POS','Unloading complete'),
Event('INIT','UNLOADING','Direct unloading')]
State diagram
Import into TIA
Interface of generated FB
State networks in generated FB
Last network, the static variables statStep
and statNextStep
ensures that we remain in each state for at least 1 PLC cycle.
- Install GraphViz https://graphviz.org/
pip install graphviz
- TIA Export/Import Add-in (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/109773999/tia-add-ins?dti=0&lc=en-SE)