A single page aplication (SPA) that provided a structure of Posts, where you can write a post, comment, read, edit, delete.
This aplication was builded all in ReactJs and using Redux to mantin the data in sync of the backend.
A backend RestFul Api is required.
To test this App
- Download or clone to local machine this repo
- And follow the steps, go into
folder, in a terminal executenpm install
andnode server
to lauch the server.
- Just download or clone this project
git clone https://github.com/elfiservice/reading-tech-frontend.git
- In a terminal into the folder of project, execute
npm install
to install all dependencies - And just execute
npm start
to launch the app
- ReactJs
- Redux
- React Router
- Lodash (to help with objects and arrays)
- Axios (to make a API's requests)