This is a simple alternative to the "X" command that was removed from Neovim.
Disclaimer: It's probably not the most secure implementation (if such thing is even possible) but it gives the ability to edit files while they are stored in an encrypted format on the disk.
- Open a file
- Run
- Enter a password
Now the file is encrypted and every time you open it you'll be asked for the password.
Add the following to your package manager:
{ "elentok/encrypt.nvim", opts = {} },
To decrypt a file that was encrypted using decrypt.nvim
without the plugin
just run:
tail -n +2 encrypted.txt \
| base64 --decode \
| openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -salt -in - -out - -k {PASSWORD}
Or use the provided
- Store the password in a local scope in the plugin instead of as a buffer variable.