Version 0.85
Elemental 0.85
The official release for version 0.85 of Elemental is now available:
Added functionality
- Sparse-direct Cholesky and Bunch-Kaufman due to merging Clique into Elemental
- Sparse-direct least squares, ridge regression, and Tikhonov regularization
- Sparse Herk and various other BLAS1-like routines
- A (nearly full) manually-constructed C interface
- A (nearly full) manually-constructed Python interface, including extensions of Display functionality to matplotlib (for matrices) and networkx (for graphs)
- Support for Read, Write, and ReadWrite matrix proxies so that routines implemented for specific datatypes and/or data distributions can be extended to more general datatypes and arbitrary distribution choices
- Essentially all distributed routines in the library were generalized to AbstractDistMatrix for convenience (using proxies)
- Single-precision Hermitian eigensolvers are now supported (via proxies which convert to double-precision for PMRRR)
- Added Three-valued and Bernoulli, GEPPGrowth and Druinsky-Toledo, Fourier-Identity ("spikes and sines") and Walsh-Identity ("spikes and Hadamard") matrices
- Added ability to compute coherence
- Added ability to use operator() to extract contiguous submatrices (and converted library)
- Extended control of SVD and LDL via new SVDCtrl and LDLCtrl structures
- Improved performance of IO routines when ColStride() and/or RowStride() are 1
Bug fixes
- Fixed a variety of compilation errors which did not appear with g++
- Fixed an (uncommon) bug in distributed HermitianFrobeniusNorm
- Added missing shrink of the phase vector in qr::BusingerGolub
- Added missing scalar argument to Matrix::UpdateDiagonal
- Fixed Ehrenfest matrix generation
- Fixed indexing of Householder phases in sequential Bidiag
- Fixed offset used by rq::ExplicitTriang
- Fixed BlockDistMatrix version of MATRIX_MARKET Read
- Fixed BLAS wrappers for complex herk, her2k, her, and her2
- Fixed PURE/HYBRID CMake detection (thanks to Richard Boyd)
- Removed MakeTriangular (due to the more general MakeTrapezoidal)
- Replaced AxpyTriangle with AxpyTrapezoid
- Added a control structure for Bisect
- Significantly refactored/simplified Trr2k
- Removed spurious integer argument to TriW
- Removed Riemann matrix due to vague definition (and overlap with Redheffer)
- Removed hyphens in directory names to avoid python conflict
Name changes
- Renamed namespace "elem" to "El", and "elem.hpp" to "El.hpp"
- Moved auxiliary PMRRR headers into pmrrr/ subfolder
- "Pseudospectra" -> {"SpectralPortrait","SpectralWindow","SpectralCloud"}
- Better organization/naming for explicit QR/RQ/LQ factorizations
- Richard Boyd (of GTRI) for reporting the PURE/HYBRID configuration detection problem
- Field van Zee (of UT Austin) for clarifying the {c,z}her2 and {c,z}her2k scalar argument conventions
- Rodrigo Canales for noticing and fixing several missing static instantiations
- Yingzhou (Ryan) Li for reporting the vecLib/Accelerate issue
Relevant unmerged forks
- Rodrigo Canales's R interface:
- Sayan Ghosh's one-sided Axpy interface: