- Store user parameters at the end part of flash memory of rp2040
- Allow parameter to have one type out of various primitive types
- Up to total 1024 bytes available for parameters
- Provide default value for factory reset
- Provide flash address auto calculation, otherwise allow to designate arbitary flash address
- Serve direct access setter and getter linked to the parameter's type
- Also serve access setter and getter by id, which requires to select the correct type
- Prepare interherited class header from FlashParamNs::FlashParam as Singleton (e.g. ConfigParam.h)
- Define user parameters with template with primitive type
- Supported types: bool, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, float, double, and std::string
#pragma once
#include "FlashParam.h"
struct ConfigParam : FlashParamNs::FlashParam {
static ConfigParam& instance() // Singleton
static ConfigParam instance;
return instance;
static constexpr uint32_t ID_BASE = FlashParamNs::CFG_ID_BASE;
// Parameter<T> instance id name default size
FlashParamNs::Parameter<std::string> P_CFG_STRING {ID_BASE + 0, "CFG_STRING", "abcdefg", 16}; // std::string needs size
FlashParamNs::Parameter<bool> P_CFG_BOOL {ID_BASE + 1, "CFG_BOOL", false};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<uint8_t> P_CFG_UINT8 {ID_BASE + 2, "CFG_UINT8", 23};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<uint16_t> P_CFG_UINT16 {ID_BASE + 3, "CFG_UINT16", 4096};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<uint32_t> P_CFG_UINT32 {ID_BASE + 4, "CFG_UINT32", 65535*4};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<uint64_t> P_CFG_UINT64 {ID_BASE + 5, "CFG_UINT64", 1ULL<<40};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<int8_t> P_CFG_INT8 {ID_BASE + 6, "CFG_INT8", -16};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<int16_t> P_CFG_INT16 {ID_BASE + 7, "CFG_INT16", -2047};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<int32_t> P_CFG_INT32 {ID_BASE + 8, "CFG_INT32", -65536*5};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<int64_t> P_CFG_INT64 {ID_BASE + 9, "CFG_INT64", -(1LL<<35)};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<float> P_CFG_FLOAT {ID_BASE + 10, "CFG_FLOAT", 3.326f};
FlashParamNs::Parameter<double> P_CFG_DOUBLE {ID_BASE + 11, "CFG_DOUBLE", -1.056e-8};
- ConfigParam is singleton
ConfigParam cfgParam& = ConfigParam.instance();
- Load all parameters from flash
- If flash is blank or flash format seems changed, default values are loaded
- Store all parameters to flash
- Force all parameters to load default value
- Print information on user flash area and parameter mapping
- Output example
=== UserFlash ===
FlashSize: 0x200000 (2097152d)
SectorSize: 0x1000 (4096d)
PageSize: 0x100 (256d)
UserReqSize: 0x400 (1024d)
EraseSize: 0x1000 (4096d)
PageProgSize: 0x400 (1024d)
UserFlashOfs: 0x1ff000
UserFlashReadAddr: 0x101ff000
=== FlashParam ===
0x0000 CFG_MAP_HASH: 3015833569d (0xb3c1f7e1)
0x0004 CFG_STORE_COUNT: 67d (0x43)
0x0008 CFG_STRING: abcdefg
0x0018 CFG_BOOL: false
0x0019 CFG_UINT8: 23d (0x17)
0x001a CFG_UINT16: 4096d (0x1000)
0x001c CFG_UINT32: 262140d (0x3fffc)
0x0020 CFG_UINT64: 1099511627776d (0x10000000000)
0x0028 CFG_INT8: 240d (0xf0)
0x0029 CFG_INT16: -2047d (0xf801)
0x002b CFG_INT32: -327680d (0xfffb0000)
0x002f CFG_INT64: -34359738368d (0xfffffff800000000)
0x0037 CFG_FLOAT: 3.3260 (3.3260e+00)
0x003b CFG_DOUBLE: -0.0000 (-1.0560e-08)
- Direct access available without designating its type
- For example, value becomes
at following case - Note that
updates parameter value, however, it's not yet stored to flash until finalize() is called
const auto& value = cfgParam.P_CFG_UINT16.get();
- To access by id, template type needs to be designated to meet the type of the parameter
- Note that
updates parameter value, however, it's not yet stored to flash until finalize() is called
cfgParam.setValue<uint16_t>(cfgParam.ID_BASE + 3, 0x0123);
const auto& value = cfgParam.getValue<uint16_t>(cfgParam.ID_BASE + 3);
There are two bult-in parameters in the library. Usually those values are automatically generated or updated in the library.
- Hash value to verify if type and addressing of whole parameters are changed. The library checks this value when it's started and if it detects that type and addressing of whole parameters are changed, the set of default values are loaded to the parameters to avoid wrong values to be reflected for the purpose of fail-safe.
- Flash store count. It starts from zero when the target area of flash is blank and is incremented every time when the values are stored to the flash by
- As general, flash operation should be done from core0 only
- Even in that case,
needs to be called from core1 to notify safe condition for programming flash - Otherwise,
will fail due to the faulure ofUserFlash::program()
- See multicore_test
#include "pico/flash.h"
#include "pico/multicore.h"
static void core1_process() {
flash_safe_execute_core_init(); // notify core0 that there's no access to flash on core1
int main() {
- See "Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico"
- Put "pico-sdk", "pico-examples" and "pico-extras" on the same level with this project folder.
- Set environmental variables for PICO_SDK_PATH, PICO_EXTRAS_PATH and PICO_EXAMPLES_PATH
- Confirmed with Pico SDK 2.0.0
> git clone -b 2.0.0 https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk.git
> cd pico-sdk
> git submodule update -i
> cd ..
> git clone -b sdk-2.0.0 https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples.git
> git clone -b sdk-2.0.0 https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-extras.git
> git clone -b main https://github.com/elehobica/pico_user_flash.git
> cd pico_user_flash
> cd samples\xxxxx # target sample project
> cd ..
- Build is confirmed with Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 and Visual Studio Code on Windows environment
- Confirmed with cmake-3.27.2-windows-x86_64 and gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-win32
- Lanuch "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022"
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
> nmake
- Put "*.uf2" on RPI-RP2 drive
- Build is confirmed with pico-sdk-dev-docker:sdk-2.0.0-1.0.0
- Confirmed with cmake-3.22.1 and arm-none-eabi-gcc (15:10.3-2021.07-4) 10.3.1
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
- Download "*.uf2" on RPI-RP2 drive