Hi! I have no idea where i should report it, so i start here with the hope that somebody can help.
I have packaged my windows app with electron builder and i'm using Squirrel.Windows for auto-updates. I've put everything from the release to the FTP and set the URL properly. But now when I start the windows app its in an update loop. It downloads the 1.0.0 every time again.
Does someone has an idea how it happened?
859E5121E95B411FA2107DF3A59E3880D4E9EA0B myapp-1.0.0-ia32-full.nupkg 45302165
Main app index.js (i ommited unreleated code)
if (require("electron-squirrel-startup")) {
app.on('ready', function() {
// create new browserwindow
// search for updates
const updateFeed = os == "darwin" ? "https://HOST/updates/latest" : "https://HOST/releases/win32";
const autoUpdater = require('auto-updater');
autoUpdater.on("update-downloaded", function() {
autoUpdater.setFeedURL(updateFeed + '?v=' + app.getVersion());
I am building the windows distribution with OSX (Vine) with the following command: build --platform win32 --arch ia32