Releases: elastic/rally
Releases · elastic/rally
- #310: Introduce track parameters and allow to override them on the command line
- #371: Introduce put pipeline API
- #369: Prepare rename from operation-type "index" to "bulk"
- #363: Allow to retry operations (internally)
- #362: Make plugin remote URL optional
- #360: Show ES distribution version upon race start
- #358: Rally tables should always output the same rows
- #354: Be more lenient when custom parameter source does not provide a parameter
- #353: Make a few track properties optional
- #352: Allow to use a challenge element if there is only one challenge in a track
- #351 (Breaking): Ensure task names are unique
- #345: Allow to use an ES distribution for plugins that are built separately
- #326: Allow to define operations inline
Bug Fixes
- #356 (Breaking): Set a sane default socket timeout
- #350 (Breaking): Number of iterations should be treated per client, not "global"
Doc Changes
- #364: Deprecate --cluster-health
- #333: Provide a clear error message for non-existing releases
- #331: Don't demand a compressed representation of the document corpus
- #226: Provide a Rally package with all dependencies for offline install
- #217: Add ability to continuously stream metrics
Bug Fixes
- #344: Client assignment can miss a (small) number of docs
- #338: Documents are not found if track is referenced via a file
- #337: Only map numeric HTTP status codes to request meta-data
- #334: Data partition algorithm failling with parallel indexing tasks
Doc Changes
- #332: Provide more information about errors
- #330: Provide better error message when Rally reads an incompatible track
- #329: Allow to skip cluster health check
- #323: Rally should not demand a local Java install
- #309: Allow to benchmark plugins from sources
- #292: Add a "simple track" mode
- #259: Prepare Rally for Java 9
Bug Fixes
- #328: Challenge-specific index settings are not applied to index template definitions
- #314: Allow to filter executed tasks
- #312 (Breaking): Move action-and-meta-data to (indexing) type definition
- #308: Unify implementation of track and team repositories
- #307: Check Python version on startup and fail if it does not meet requirements
- #304: Make distribution repositories configurable
- #296: Verify whether the number of documents in the track is correct
- #278: relative-time should be reset per task
- #228: Increased flexibility for termination of parallel tasks
- #258: Make 'race' self-contained
- #284 (Breaking): Disallow previously deprecated usage of track properties in meta block
- #283: Store race results in a format optimized for reporting
- #279 (Breaking): Separate race and metrics indices
- #276: Add affected index to meta-data returned by bulk index runner
- #275: Allow to define per-challenge cluster-settings
- #267: Provide a progress-indication for downloads
- #266: Make the gc telemetry device Java 9 compatible
- #246: Rally should print a warning if there are no measurement samples
- #223: Allow unlimited number of pages for scroll queries
- #222: Report number of hits, not just pages, for scroll queries
- #220 (Breaking): Allow monthly indices for metrics
- #138 (Breaking): Improve support Elasticsearch 5 as metrics store
Bug Fixes
- #285: Rally is stuck for benchmarks with a very large number of requests
- #280: The file-reader parameter source does not seem to pass additional parameters
Doc Changes
- #251: Support for non-deterministic distribution of operations
- #260: Have bulk parameter source provide the bulk size
- #249: Saving tournament report
- #155: Improve document count handling
Bug Fixes
- #263: Race condition when rolling log files
- #261: Unable to determine valid external socket address
- #253: Cannot determine CPU info for POWER8 chips
- #242: Rally does not detect the distribution version correctly for externally provisioned clusters
- #235: Allow Python files in a track directory that are unrelated to the track plugin