Blocked by #58525
- after post comment, make sure new comment shows up under old ones [SIEM] [Cases] Delete, comment, and reducer updates #59616
- add the "user action saved object" actions to the UserActionTree titles (ex: Updated by X at 12pm)
- add Participants to Case View
- connect mailto actions [SIEM] [Cases] Case closed and add user email #60463
- display closed at time when case is closed [SIEM] [Cases] Case closed and add user email #60463
- make the user avatar the
for update mode on description/comments and also on new comments [SIEM] [Case] Bulk status update, add comment avatar, id => title in breadcrumbs #60410 - change the breadcrumbs to display Case Title instead of Case Id [SIEM] [Case] Bulk status update, add comment avatar, id => title in breadcrumbs #60410
These are not blocked:
- UI for delete case [SIEM] [Cases] Delete, comment, and reducer updates #59616
UI for delete commentout of scope